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“Steel” has announced the resignation of head coach

«Сталь» объявила об уходе главного тренераClub of Ukrainian Premier League “the Steel” has parted ways with Dutch specialist Eric van der Meer.

The Ukrainian press reported that van der Meer had disagreements with the leadership of “Steel” on the new contract and personnel issues. However, the President of “Steel” Vardan Israelian.

“The reason for the departure of van der Meer? He left for family reasons. The coach asked for his release. Talked to him and decided to terminate the contract
Nothing extraordinary happened, do not even think. It’s a working process. We thanked him for his work, shook hands and said goodbye. He needed to have problems in the family,” said Israelyan in an interview with channel “Football 1”.

Van der Meer led the “Steel” in January of this year – under the leadership of the 49-year-old specialist from the Comenius club last season, took eighth place. After three rounds of the new season of “Steel” with four points and is in seventh position.

The match of the fourth round Premier League against “Dinamo”, “Steel” will be prepared under the direction of assistant van der Meer, Jacob Galla.

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