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The bubble of Russian football. Part 2

Мыльный пузырь российского футбола. Часть 2

However, these problems care little oligarchical elite of our football. That is, based on their interests, from 2011, the year the national championship is played not on the usual for all the scheme “spring-autumn” (from March to November), and according to the European autumn-spring (July to June). The transition of this system was initiated by the leading teams in the Premier League, who complained that the domestic clubs are hard to get involved in the knockout stages of European competitions, which coincides with the beginning of the national championship, and also wanted to synchronize the Russian transfer window with Europe. While on the face of the fact that from this reform in the literal sense, no one won, but promised that if only we live in the European schedule of contests, so once our grants will be to conquer one competition after another. However, until something does not work, while some fail.

But if the clubs are rich in fact this transition is not sensed, then the provin-social teams from the lower divisions transition on “autumn-spring” has a heavy burden. As already mentioned, the vast majority of teams in the second division are funded by regional funds. Previously, the contracts were mostly concluded in February and was due to expire in November. During the pause, the clubs were pushing the budget, and now they have to pay money to the players. To enter into contracts, for example, six months not in law — at least for a year. Only hire there are some nuances. It turns out that the team’s five months of play, and seven — rest. And who will pay the money to the players, given the difficult economic situation? The teams are very difficult to survive. It is not surprising that every season we have regularly this kind of “case” participants. By the way, in the first season after the transition on “autumn-spring” ceased to exist from 12 clubs. But who cared?

Money – that’s just what worries everyone. That is the theme of “gain” prevails over the game, each participant of the Russian football of society – rich and poor. Only for this purpose, each follows his own way. In General, it is well known that the financial side in the so-called Russian football business is on the other side of publicity. About the exorbitant corruption of the Russian football has little to say, you need to sound the alarm. Where there is uncontrolled turnover of cash flows, there must have a criminal scheme. Your “fat” I wish to have everything: the owners of clubs, agents and players (the activities of these “masters in law” is worthy of a separate study), and the players themselves, some of which sometimes do not refuse to participate in match-fixing and betting.

Alas, with this vast level of corruption that has firmly taken root across the country and in the Russian football in particular, to expect any development and any achievements just not necessary. And a rather stupid and clumsy looking statement of the authorities that for this very corruption is very hard to take and will certainly win. How can you cope with the fact that, in fact, is a direct reflection of the state and its capitalist policy.

Steal everywhere: in the oil and gas clubs, and provincial budget comanducci. Unites them, however, the fact that “misappropriation of public funds” occurs there, and there. With what ease and cynicism of the public money pass into private hands, “mastered”. “Development” is when public funds to the team budget in the region ends up in the pockets of the leadership team, which does not hesitate to “twist” these funds for their own selfish purposes. It is foolish to assume that the governments of the regions of such facts of “development” is not known. Yet as we know! If this scheme is successfully thriving a year, and for a long time, then you need to be hopelessly naïve not to understand that here in the face of a mutually beneficial partnership.

Very often, managers of these clubs you can hear: “give us more money and we will start to win, score points, compete for promotion…” But immediately there is a desire to have them ask: “And who should provide that funding and, most importantly, why?” History knows many examples when the football team suddenly found themselves in the big money, but to dispose of them on purpose somehow could not. Or rather, on purpose do not be managed the team that are supposed to solve their problems, and individual dealers, to attach to it. And in the end it appeared that only those citizens of the win, but the team brought a similar “effective” leadership to bankruptcy or ceased to exist, or resume his career with a clean slate and with the lowest Amateur League. Such sad examples of darkness, as to bankrupt most of the Russian teams – simple, since they do not have on your balance no property. So why is the state obliged to direct their funds to financing a known gangster schemes?

Irrepressible and criminal the desire of any capitalist way to maximize profits today, and now brought domestic football to the point of no return. Already reached before that the number involved in football people (about 1.5 million people), Russia lags behind Germany, Spain and Italy more than three times. In recent years in our country almost disappeared yard football.

Likely to find this provision of the output with the current socio-political system is simply impossible. Reigning in Russia, the mores of capitalism is clearly not conducive to the planned development of not only football, but also any other industry. Football actually turned out to be means of production in private hands of the capitalists of various levels for which priority is personal enrichment, not the development of football infrastructure in the country. Very easy to “fill” football, in particular developing volume of state funds, converting them to his private circulation. The chaos and confusion in football (and not only) gives rise to outrageous corruption, but to deal with it is not beneficial to neither the government nor the officials nor the owners of the clubs. Why? if each of those members of the football business, it only favors the nancial dividends. Affects only the Russian football, and with him, those who fondly thinks of his “bright” future.

To seriously tackle the development of football, for his salvation, is possible only with Cardi-ing changing the system. It’s time to abandon the bourgeois social economic system, away from private ownership of the means of production than football clubs now are. At the time the Soviet football is fully funded and controlled by the state, through agencies, companies, factories. Sports goals and objectives in the strongest prevailed over all others. Starting from them, only the planned regulation, the financing of the whole football economy from DYUSSH to teams. Although this financing, as it is considered in liberal circles, was carried out “by a residual principle”, but in those circumstances, the authorities tried to maximize the use of all possible available means. Now we can only dream of.

After two years in Russia will be a significant event, our country will host the world championship on football. In 2010, the year when it became known that the world football forum will have to take it to Russia, many were excited to think: what we will build wonderful stadiums, what the level of our football and how efficient the team is. But two years before the world Cup it became clear that our football is in disarray: there is no team, no decent players for it. Yes, with grief in half, but still built modern stadiums. But who, for example, will play after the world Cup stadium in Nizhny Novgorod, where this summer has died the local professional club “Volga”. Or in Yaroslavl, where local “Shinnik” for several years, moribund, or in Volgograd, whose Rotor Ekes out a rather miserable existence and can’t be confident in your future even a year ahead. And no one will enlist that for a couple of years will not disappear team in Kaliningrad, Saransk or somewhere else…

Russian football is shaky and this unreliable substance, like a soap bubble. From time to time, it is huge, filled with conceit, filled with colours, serene partitas above the ground. He pouted more than one year, not two decades, but seems to burst.

Alex Akimenkov.


The newspaper “Sport day by day”, “Spartak” had the second budget in the past season” (author Arkady Nemov), 6 June 2016-th year.

The weekly “Football”, “Andrei Sokolov: “the Budget has a total of 70 clubs in the PFL is equal to the budget of one mid-table club Premier League, February 26, 2015-th year.

The magazine “Profile”, “how Much competition for people” (author Ivan Dmitrenko), may 17, 2016-th year.

“Some aspects of the financing of organizations of physical culture and sports in the Soviet Union at the regional level in the early 1950”, (Author Larissa Co-releva)

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