Home / Medicine / Six of the most useful herbs for tea

Six of the most useful herbs for tea

Шесть самых полезных трав для чаяBest herbal teas for health.

A group of British scientists made a rating of the herbal teas that are helpful for the health and physical condition.

Black currant. The fruits of black currant are rich in succinic and citric acid as well as trace elements and vitamin C. Tea made on the leaves and fruits good for the liver and kidneys, and also helps to cure a cold.

Daisy. The list of diseases for which is recommended to drink chamomile tea, a huge. Among them is stomach problems, cramps in the intestine, hyperacidity, insomnia, nervousness. But the main feature of the chamomile – anti-inflammatory.

Rose. Its petals contain carotene, b vitamins, vitamins K and C. Enjoying this drink, you will help the body cope with bronchitis, pharyngitis, colds, nervousness and stress.

The lemongrass. Tea made from lemongrass is recommended in the postoperative period, as well as for depression. It is also useful in hypertension.

Mint. This herb invigorates the body, reduces blood pressure, stimulates the heart muscle, relieves headaches and tension.

Juniper. Tea made from juniper eliminates toxins and has diuretic properties. In addition, it has antiseptic properties and not only prevents but also treats inflammation of the urinary tract.

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