Home / Medicine / Simple exercises for the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract

Simple exercises for the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract

 Несложные упражнения для нормализации работы ЖКТThey can significantly improve your health.

To normalize the gastrointestinal tract will help simple exercises.

1. Lie on your back with hands straightened along the torso. Diverted to the side of one leg, then the other (at least eight times each leg).

2. Lie on your back, on your stomach, place a thick book. Inhale as you lift your belly with the workbook. Exhaling, lower abdomen.

3. Get on your knees and forehead touch the floor. Lift the knees off the floor, take a breath, and then, sinking on his knees, exhale. Repeat the exercise five times.

4. Lie on your back, arms and legs bend. Knees try to reach the forehead. Do the exercise 5-8 times.

5. Sit on the floor, palms rest against the floor, legs pull. Pripodnimaet on the inhale, on the exhale, return to starting position. Repeat this exercise 5-8 times.

6. Lying on his right side, raise the right leg at least eight times on the left — the left.

7. Lie on your stomach, hands squeeze into fists and put it under hips. Leaning on his fists, lift at least eight times right and left leg.

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