The developers of the online game Armored Warfare, known in Russia under the name “Project Armata”, invented a new way to make millions of people in the country to invest in this game your time and money. They lured to their side several of the country’s largest Internet service providers, and those offered gamers a totally free online traffic.
In other words, in Armored Warfare on the territory of Russia from now on you can play even with a lack of funds on the personal account, and this initiative is called “Play at zero”. Involved in all these holding Mail.Ru Group, which owns the action Armored Warfare. Currently the exact number of providers that have fallen to the dark side remains unknown, but it is reported that before the end of the current month of service “Play at zero” will launch the provider NetByNet. This company is “a daughter” operator MegaFon. The service, according to official data, in and of itself costs nothing and it connects automatically when the subscriber has no money on account to activate the subscription fee for the Internet. Pitfalls, of course, but they should look for in the offer agreement with your provider.
Armored Warfare is a sort of clone of World of Tanks because the game is exactly the same: to pump your own tank and preferably several, to destroy the enemy (on the battlefield and in chat) and donate a lot of real money on virtual game items. Author toys is an American company Obsidian Entertainment.