Home / Business / Shine and poverty of world of the elites. Why did they become a yoke on the neck of the Nations?

Shine and poverty of world of the elites. Why did they become a yoke on the neck of the Nations?

Блеск и нищета мировых элит. Почему они стали хомутом на шее наций?

The word “elite”, “national elite” is now more often heard in discussion on the topic “Who will save Russia?” But for now, all the elites are pure parasites who seek to somehow justify their dominance. Want to analyze here the most pernicious myths about the elite.


1. Many believe that the society is able to control the elite, to force them to act in their own interests.

In fact, it is the elites control the society, they control, stifle and arbitrarily transformerait it to their advantage. It is society that is their victim and held hostage, it never was, is not and cannot be the master of the elites.

At the initial stage, during the formation of elites some leverage social influence on them could be (especially within the socialist paradigm, where the elites were deprived of their main weapon – capital). But then, after the rebirth of the elites, all these mechanisms are quickly converted to profanity or dismantled altogether. Elites have always sought absolute freedom, and consider their liberation and independence from the people the urgent need and an absolute blessing.

2. Someone thinks that are, or may be some “national elites” who care deeply about their countries and peoples.

In fact, all of the elite global solidarity among themselves and anti-people. Even makes sense to speak about one single world elite. The discord she sows between Nations, it is a manipulative technique called “divide and conquer”, which only works as long as peoples believe in their “national” elite, naively hoping that they are really “national”. But any elite, even the “national”, especially formed within the bourgeois paradigm, quickly aware of the commonality of their interests with the global elite crowd and becomes part of it.

By the way, all those who support elitism, even if they call themselves nationalists, in fact, or idiots, or traitors and gravediggers of the nation. The elite is always more United among themselves than with their people.

3. Many people automatically move their notions of morality on the elite.

This is the naive fallacy. For all of elitarian elite is absolutely immoral and unethical. Only their fellow elitist, they say that people who are subject to ethics and moral principles. The rest of the population of the planet, from their point of view, no different from cattle, which, of course, can not apply the moral and ethical laws of man.

4. Still, many believe that the elite care about the welfare of all humanity – and even if you care only about your own, in the end it will be good for all of us.

In fact, the elite degraded to the point that think their personal well-being not only to bypass the interests of the “vile masses”, but directly contrary to them. Such selfish ambitions lead to great strides to the crash of our entire civilization as a parasite with no regard for whoever lives, will ruin him and yourself. The old parable about the Scorpion and the frog: a Scorpion on the back of the frog swims in the pond; can’t cope with him, stings him in the back, sinking both.

5. Many believe that a society without elite can not exist that egalitarianism (the opposite of elitism, a society with equal opportunities for all) is a utopia.

In fact, the myth of the inevitability of elitism and usefulness of parasites invented and persistently inculcated by the forces of modern parasitic elites. It is the stable and equitable elitist society – a utopia. A world ruled by parasites, doomed to inevitable crises and wars with the mass death of the population.

After convicts the world of the horrors of the Second world war, working people all over the world hoping that nothing like this will never happen again. But there it was! Several years had passed, the bourgeois elite started the war in Korea, then in Vietnam, and further – everywhere. The Russian elite increasingly burgwiese – surely it will in the end be different than some of her “brothers in arms”?

Stable society of the future can only be egalitarian.

6. Some people believe that elitism arises from the very nature of man, being almost biological property; that social hierarchy is inevitable as the law of nature.

In fact, today the elite and the hierarchy has already played its historical role (once important and necessary) and are for humanity deadly atavism. Of active once the engine of social and other progress, they turned into a brake and yoke – such is the dialectic of development. The sooner society realizes this, the better for him.

As for our country, you have to be blind not to see that our financial and power elite has in fact put us on the brink of survival.


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