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Seven spices for anti-fatigue

Семь специй для борьбы с усталостью Doctors told what spices are able to cheer up and get rid of chronic fatigue.

What spices rapidly get rid of fatigue and will help to quickly restore strength of the organism? Experts shared tips.


The “hottest” condiment of the list has a high content of essential oils. Causes blood flow to the brain, speeding up brain activity. Strengthens the immune system and helps to resist cold. A wonderful tonic that will invigorate not worse coffee. Besides ginger tea with lemon will help you to lose weight, as it accelerates the metabolism.


Mint is one of the best remedies for stress. Relieves nervous excitement, improves performance and improves memory. Mint is recommended during periods of excessive mental and physical fatigue, used in the treatment of insomnia and depression. Drink tea with mint and lemon, and during strong tension you can use peppermint essential oil to massage my temples: dilute 1 drop of oil in a teaspoon of water and gently massage whiskey 5-7 minutes.


This aromatic Oriental spices relieves fatigue, helps to overcome fatigue and nervousness, as well as strengthens the nervous system and is widely used for the treatment of depressive States. Stimulates the brain and improves performance. Cardamom is versatile – you can chew a grain, brewing him tea or coffee or take a bath with a few drops of essential oil.

Bay leaf

Bay leaf is one of the most popular spices. Tannins and essential oils promote stress resistance and in a short time to eliminate fatigue. If spring fatigue is very useful to take the infusion of Bay leaves: 2 leaves of Laurel pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. To insist in a thermos, strain and take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.


A great spice for relieving symptoms of fatigue and nervous tension. Vitamins and antioxidants contained in the Basilica, bind free radicals, reducing stress. Calms the nerves, relieves anxiety and lowers blood pressure. Prepare Basil tea original: 1 tablespoon Basil leaves, pour a glass of boiling water and infuse 15 minutes. Drink 2 times a day, adding honey or sugar.


This fragrant spice is no wonder so loved by the chefs. Its secret is that it improves mood, increases efficiency, and even helps fight depression! Essential oil of cinnamon stimulates brain activity and improves visual memory. In addition, cinnamon cleans the blood vessels of the brain from toxins, and headaches will no longer bother you.


In the spring we especially feel fatigue because the body is exhausted. Aromatherapy with rosemary essential oil will help you to resist the bouts of fatigue and bad mood. Rosemary has a stimulating action, to cope with the mental and physical stress and improves memory. Improves concentration and improves mood. For aromatherapy use the oil burner, a job you can take the necklace with essential oil.

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