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Serbian slap in the face, or Why Russia run by the allies

Сербская пощёчина, или Почему от России бегут союзники

Our political leadership deserves major European awards, and the most high. For his contribution to European unity — priceless.
Neither Merkel nor Hollande nor other European politicians are unable to do so much to enhance European unity, as it has managed in recent years our bosses.
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I’m not crazy. Here is the proof: in Europe from Russia escaped all who yesterday we thought was their most reliable and loyal allies. It all started with the Bulgarians, it is sincerely grateful for their independence of the Russian army. They have long been in the EU and NATO, and look forward to solutions “Schengen” to become Europe without borders.

Long been “floated” in the EU, a small but proud Montenegro, where Russia and Russians worshipped the last 150 years (and for good). Despite the huge “Russian” investments in this country 15 years ago separatist switched to the Euro, and introduced a simplified, but still a visa regime with Russia. And generally — there is no more loyal supporters of a United Europe, than our brothers in the former Soviet bloc: at the forefront of the EU our former Baltic States and Warsaw Pact countries: Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and so on.

The process of Europeanization is in full swing in Moldova, Georgia, Ukraine. (Of course, to blame the US and Obama personally: in other words, our propaganda can’t explain it). Ukraine is also particularly grateful to President Putin for the final unity of the nation. Say, GDP has accelerated this process for 50 years, if not more: without his help a long time the Ukrainians could seek their national identity, and now, they say, this question from the agenda completely removed.

What’s there to Georgia and Moldova: on the status of integration in Europe started talking seriously …in Belarus and even (from time to time) in Kazakhstan. If things go well, the Euro— Asian Union with Russia will only Turkmenistan and North. Korea, or will have to shift to Africa: it is Zimbabwe with its leader Mugabe will not let you down: where to go from a submarine, and even in the submerged state.

And here is a new slap in the face to the Russian leadership: in Serbia, the people voted for the European integration. But recently Russia has been actively protested the bombing of Serbia by NATO, supported the right of Serbs to Kosovo. Yes, and the Serbs are close to us on the language and origin — Slavs (mostly). But “offended” by the West Serbia forgave him everything and … torn now on this is the West.

In short, a complete fiasco of the foreign policy of the Russian Federation, crackling disguised propaganda about “spiritual scrapie” and restoration of “Imperial grandeur” of Russia. Why are all our allies were so “ungrateful”?

Let’s leave aside the historical details, which are forgotten by the current generation of Russians — like the Prague spring, Soviet tanks suppressed, the Hungarian events of the same order, the Stalinist “purges” and the barbarian migrations. Leave aside even the secret Protocol between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union (the Molotov — Ribbentrop Pact) and joint parade of the red Army and the Wehrmacht on the end of the occupation of Polish territories in 1939. In the end, from Germany and other great powers, these countries have not suffered less grief than of Stalinist repression. But with Germany, England, Italy and France (not to mention the USA) today want to be friends with all, but with Russia almost no one? Well, doesn’t it?

And the reason is simple as steamed turnip: and Germany, and other European countries have built a very attractive political and economic model development. She pulls and attracts to itself all other peoples, and most importantly — allows them to quickly and successfully develop, but also provides the world’s highest standards of living. Europe has created the world’s best samples of political power, laid the foundations of the world economy and culture, has ensured the development of the most advanced science. The consequence of the above, was its advanced achievement in education, medicine, ecology, social security. As stated, the example is persuasive and contagious.

Whoever that spoke of the coming “collapse” of Europe, it continues to evolve and be drawn into the orbit of world civilization all new peoples and countries. Is there a European problem and difficulties? Of course, there are countless. But that “some shortcomings”, and not the flawed system that makes it impossible any progress. Eliminating problems and solving the problem, Europe is farther away from the grim and totalitarian Russia, which are increasingly looking at their prosperous neighbors through the sights of various weapons. That’s why Serbia, Moldova, Georgia, etc. do not want to live in a besieged fortress, which, moreover, is seriously threatening to turn into a “radioactive ashes” of any of his foe.

In this sense, Russia’s attempts to slow down or even reverse the expansion of Europe into reverse — the process is completely pointless and doomed to complete defeat. And isn’t it better to try to understand that we need to change in their own country that it ceased to be the Scarecrow, which run the country and the people? We have almost no neighbors with whom we would have had a great relationship.

By the way, about the neighbors. Know where most of the public attention to the anniversary of the Japanese bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki? In Japan and … in Russia. Sorry for the cynicism, but from our TV screens these days so much grief and terrible documentaries… Sometimes one gets the impression that the victims of us nuclear strikes were not city of Japan, who fought on the side of Nazi Germany, and Uryupinsk or mound. Clearly, we are doing this in defiance of our allies in the 2nd World war — the United States. We can’t forgive the Americans that they were “inhumane” dropped on our common enemies nuclear bombs (after Japan,by the way, just surrendered). But our army was triumphant ready to reach Tokyo and to hoist the red flag. However, I would put in this scenario a few hundred thousand, but for the sake of victory we are “for the price”.

One problem: despite our great sorrow bombed the Japanese avidly friends with the damned yankami, and we turn up the nose, but still require the Kuril Islands back. Again some bummer… Well it turns out even though North Korea truly respects us, especially after we have committed them to return for further punishment of those who fled for salvation to Russia. As the saying goes, think on the same wavelength with our North Korean comrades…

And maybe that’s enough horror about the “ring” of enemies? It is already in the Smolensk and Pskov region takes place. Why only we in the ring? The richest? But there is no less resource Australia, South Africa, Angola, Kazakhstan, and some other commodities powers. Are they surrounded by enemies? Not heard about it.

We fought a lot? But other countries fought no less. The history of mankind, especially Europe, there is a history of wars. But the former enemies have become friends and cooperate actively on all fronts, isn’t it?

We have different ideological goals? We are still for “world revolution”? Also no, the camp confrontation for a long time in the past, and the word “revolution” shaking our whole “establishment”.

So what’s the deal? And why developed rich countries not friends with us, and those that have the world “headache” — welcome. Then another chieftain of the North. Korea on the train rolled, the African dictator tent in the Kremlin will break, some “Bashi” ask him to write off a few tens of billions of dollars of debt, the crown, the President of the arms, and along pobombit his opponents will ask.

In fact, the reason of turning Russia into a besieged fortress all is clear and clear: the Russian state in the face of political leadership does not respect and does not want to recognize the key principles of world civilization.

Such as the lack of an eternal and aggressive Fuhrers, dictators and dictators, that is, the presence of power, regularly renewing through fair elections; the elimination of corruption and theft by officials, achieved through tight parliamentary and public control and free media; a clear respect for and adherence to the norms of international law, respect for human rights, tolerance and openness, the priority of the social sphere of militarist programs. In short, not in words but in deeds demonstrate Russia’s commitment to the democratic values that we have assigned almost a dirty word.

The model of the thieving plutocracy, entangled in their own lies and a threatening world nuclear club, there will always be push away from Russia countries and peoples, to turn the great Russian state in the pariah state.

Our people until then will be to blame for the troubles of neighbours and foreign presidents, yet does not understand that the reason for the bad feeling surrounding his bad manners and contempt for the common rules. And to remedy this situation the demonstration of the muscles and poorly veiled threats is not enough.
Whether it comes finally, this simple wisdom to the consciousness of citizens of Russia?

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