Saturnine powerful hurricane hit the lens of the device “Cassini”, which operates in the orbit of Saturn with 2012. A vortex with a diameter of over two thousand kilometers, right on the North pole of the gas giant, periodically forming a hexagon shape.
For color photographs you can see the gigantic hurricane that was dubbed the scientists who discovered it, like “red rose in the grass.” On the very same fact, the red vortices are clouds moving at a low distance from the soil surface Satourne, and green clouds are at a higher elevation and have a more light color. About this reports the site of NASA.
The size of the storm is about 2011 km in diameter, that the earth could be similar to half of Australia or equal to 12 areas of the UK. It should be noted that the magnitude of the hurricane on Saturn is 20 times larger than the area of the lesion of any hurricane on Earth.
If we assume that such a hurricane broke out on the Ground, then most likely it would be the last natural disaster in the history of mankind. Images were obtained in February of this year, however, NASA decided to publish them only now.