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Scientists told about the consequences of repressed anger

Ученые рассказали о последствиях подавления гневаIt causes back pain.

From the behavior of the spouses during short family conflicts depends on the state of their health, came to the conclusion, psychologists from the University of California.

So, those who are, as a rule, gives vent to anger, the higher the risk of cardiovascular disease, and those who are in this situation usually withdraws into himself, often experiences muscle tension and back pain. Article opublikowane the journal Emotion.

The authors analyzed data collected during observations of 156 pairs. They were married for a long time. The information was gathered for 20 years. Every five years, the psychologists recorded on video, how spouses communicate with each other when discussing “hot” topics for them and then analyzed their behavior facial expressions, “body language”, tone of voice and so on. In addition, husbands and wives answered questions concerning their state of health.

It was found that on the emotional state of the husband and wife during the 15-minute quarrel to predict what health problems they will have in the next 20 years. Angry outbursts lead to heart disease and blood vessels, and emotional restraint — to diseases of the muscular and skeletal. Particularly clearly is the continuity in men.

“The data obtained by us on a new level and demonstrate how our emotions affect our physical health, and how behavior can predict the development of certain diseases, — said one of the study’s authors Robert Levenson (Levenson, Robert). — We already knew that negative emotions harm, but now we dug deeper and found that specific emotions lead to specific consequences.”

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