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Scientists: house dust is a cause of infertility

Ученые: домашняя пыль является причиной бесплодия

A woman who dreams of becoming a mother, should take care of your health, as well as keeping the house clean. This statement to the people of Earth asked the representatives of the American University. Washington. Doctors say that due to household dust, there is a huge risk of dangerous diseases, including asthma, infertility and even cancer.

According to experts, dust contains dangerous substances which can have harmful effects on the human body. Thanks, the meta-analysis it was found that seemingly innocuous house dust rich in phthalates, which can cause disorders in the endocrine system and cause irreparable harm to the reproductive capacity of man.

Phthalates are present in almost all objects surrounding us. There are children’s toys. After being hit by small particles of dust in the respiratory tract or through the skin hundreds of times increases the risk of serious illnesses. Extremely dangerous dust containing phthalates for pregnant women and infants, who continually strive to pull in a mouth any subject, or dirty fingers.

To prove the harm of inorganic dust, the researchers decided to analyze. It was found that household dust is present 4 dozen hazardous substances. The smallest solid particles, which consists of dust, appear as a result of the collapse of various household goods surrounding us everywhere. We are talking about vinyl flooring, detergents, building materials from which made furniture), personal care products and household items. Due to the penetration of phthalates into the human body is disturbed his work. Changes occur on the hormonal level. Reduced immunity, but also IQ. Experts recommend more to do in the house wet cleaning, apply special filters, less use of household products containing harmful elements, and be sure to wash your hands with soap and water.

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