Home / Medicine / Scientists have outlined strict rules for the use of the “Queen” of all berries

Scientists have outlined strict rules for the use of the “Queen” of all berries

Ученые обозначили строгие правила употребления "королевы" всех ягодIt turns out that strawberries can’t eat like everybody is used to.

Strawberries – the Queen berries, that’s called the fragrant, juicy, sweet fruit is a favorite food of many people. However, this berry is not a simple dessert, so eat it must correct, writes the Chronicle.Info with reference to Comments.

As noted by nutritionists, strawberries, like most berries, is a standalone product, and should not “communicate” with the first or second courses, also incorrectly mix the berries with sugar or syrup.

Some people counted the strawberries, especially the dessert, eat it after a heavy meal. Doing so is not necessary, as this can cause unpleasant effects in the gut, including bloating and fermentation.

Strawberries should be a separate dish, so it will bring the maximum benefit.

Nutritionists and gastroenterologists suggest, there’s a strawberry with dairy products: sour cream, yogurt, cottage cheese, cream or milk. The fact that these delicious and flavorful the berries a lot of acids that increase the acidity in the gastrointestinal tract that can cause heartburn, exacerbation of gastritis, gastric ulcer and so on in dairy products contain calcium which neutralizes this acid.

The best solution is to eat strawberries with sugar, as in the modern world, people consume more sugar than you need his body. In addition, the berry itself is not sweet enough and needs to be strengthened taste.

If you want experiments, the experts suggest mixing strawberries with other fruits and greens. In particular, for this purpose perfectly suited bananas, gooseberries, rhubarb (stewed fruit), arugula (salad) and avocado (for example, you can prepare the salad with spinach).

I should add that strawberries contain the most pleasant for our body substances — endorphins. The so-called “hormones of joy” improve mood and heighten the senses.

Speaking about the beneficial properties of strawberries, not to mention that it has diuretic properties, excretes large amounts of salt. Due to the content in strawberries bromine compounds it has a calming effect on the nervous system.

However, it should be noted that the frequent consumption of strawberries, the formation of kidney stones, to avoid this, the berries need to drink plenty of pure mineral water.

Select this berry it is also worth carefully because it may contain large amounts of nitrates.

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