Home / Medicine / Scientists have found that centenarians prefer to eat

Scientists have found that centenarians prefer to eat

Ученые выяснили, что предпочитают есть долгожители From food depends on the duration of life. Food is an integral factor influencing human health in General.

For anybody not a secret that people who are care about what and how they eat, look much better than the other. Moreover, they can boast not only perfect appearance and practically eternal youth, but those that live much longer than their peers. It turns out that nutrition plays a fundamental role in human life and if it is wrong, it is about health for years could not even dream of.

Interesting fact: among the small number of centenarians, there are people who smoked all his life, drank and drank a lot of coffee, but obese die at 60, the maximum, 80 years. So what is the secret of those who live to 100 years and more? The conclusion is clear — in the diet.

So, what I prefer is long-lived:

1. Fruits, vegetables, berries. Many elderly people cannot afford to eat fish and meat because of their high cost, so their diet is dominated by vegetables, fruits and berries and dishes are prepared. Plus, centenarians often live in villages where they gather the harvest from their gardens and eat foods, not full of pesticides, nitrates and other harmful substances.

2. The cereal grains. Here, by the way, it is important that the cost of food. Cheaper to eat every day porridge than one meat and pasta. Cereal cleanse the digestive tract and eliminate toxins from the body, allowing the man a few hours not to feel hunger.

3. Dairy products. Centenarians and day not live without milk or cheese. This product enriches the body with calcium, hence healthy strong bones, allowing even 100 years old person to care for themselves.

4. Red wine. Almost all centenarians recognized that almost every day “before dinner” drink 50-100 ml of red house wine. Doctors called the amount of alcohol consumed daily, alcoholism, and this means that if we drink, the red wine and gradually.

5. Walnuts. Now these super-useful nuts sold in the markets at crazy prices. And before people had the ability to simply collect them in your garden or near multi-storied buildings and to eat. Walnuts good for the brain, in old age will play in your favor, so it is advisable to diversify your diet with these nuts now.

As we can see, this list does not include meat. This does not mean that centenarians do not eat meat, just in their diet it is not as common as other useful products. Scientists say that to live a long and happy life, refusing fatty meat, rich in cholesterol and animal fats. But all the same eliminate from the diet of poultry is not necessary, because it is equally useful for digestion as it contains amino acids.

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