Home / Medicine / Scientists have explained why oysters are dangerous to health

Scientists have explained why oysters are dangerous to health

Ученые рассказали, почему устрицы опасны для здоровьяThe use of oysters as we could get to know scientists, for a person may be accompanied by fatal risks.

According to the group of scientists from Italy and the United States, eating oysters can result for a person very badly.

According to the newspaper ProceedingsoftheNationalAcademyofsciences, danger of death of oysters lies in the bacteria that carry marine organisms, including shellfish.

In the case of infection is extremely dangerous microorganisms Vibrio, oysters are becoming very dangerous to humans, unlike contaminated fish, which after heat treatment becomes harmless.

There are about 40 species of Vibrio bacteria that have spread in the world ocean due to the negative factors of global warming. Dangerous microorganisms provoke in humans, gastroenteritis, cholera, sepsis, acute urethritis and cardiovascular, as well as meningitis and encephalitis.

In the United States infected with Vibrio bacteria is a frequent phenomenon. Require hospitalization each year an average of 300 people infected, of which about 40 cases are fatal.

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