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Scientists have described how genes affect the students

Ученые рассказали, как гены влияют на успеваемость школьниковExperts have identified 74 genetic variants, which are associated with the educational process.

An international group of scientists has linked academic performance in school and at University with the genes.

In particular, the experts were able to identify 74 a genetic variant associated with the educational process.

The researchers emphasize that genes are not static and are constantly changing. And because the human body can present multiple variants of the same gene.

“This study builds on our previous work in which we studied 100 thousand people and found three genetic variants. They were associated with the level of education. This time we were able to identify more genetic variants associated with educational level”, – said one of the researchers.

Thus, genetic markers able to identify only 0.43 percent of the total genetic contribution to school performance.

However, the fact that genetics has even a very minor effect on the success of the training, is a big opening.

Scientists emphasize that genetic variants do not give grounds to predict how a child will show itself in school. It depends, first of all, from himself.

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