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School Switzerland and Japan

Школы Швейцарии и Японии

A) School in Switzerland: impressions of the school system Plytkevich Irina

Almost a month, my children are studying at the Swiss school, and I don’t have time to write something that surprises me. Will share, because even the most advanced moms, dads and teachers could take the best in their homes, schools and courses.


  • Lessons are in blocks of half an hour. Between them, twenty minutes rest, during which the children ALWAYS in the street. So here built a school that the kids go from class to the air shed. This terrace each class has its own. They do not even need to change shoes. Any rain and wind they are there.
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    In good weather – and teachers! – playing soccer, basketball, ping-pong and all sorts of bouncers. A child that is not running is likely to take to the doctor. My carrier every day for the first two weeks. And they just do not know that the school can be run.


  • From 11.30 to 13.30 lunch break. You can stay in school, you can go home. Me this break is a bit annoying, but because his children do not get tired. At all!
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    Daughter Alena, 3rd class, asks: and how long are we going to relax? In the morning learn from 8.15 in the evening – till 16.00. Wednesday – half day, up to 11.30.


  • That children are not afraid to Express their thoughts in writing (told in the meeting that this skill is sorely disappears today), the school has a “teacher-student”.
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    Each kid has his own mail box, where he puts his note to teacher be sure to respond to him personally. Enjoyed incredible success in the morning everybody runs to collect their “letter”.


  • Vocabulary dictation write under the picture that represents a word; you have to write correctly this word. But … not dictation! This is from the “all genius is simple”. The child remembers how to spell the word, visually comparing it with the picture. It works real.
  • When making any report, always include music. It is not clear how this works, but the “report” is always a queue due to the fact that children themselves choose the music. The report, by the way, welcome costume and props. Here’s a mini-play.
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    No presentations, no; it is believed that a child in elementary school can’t make the presentation yourself.


  • Math how to solve the examples do not explain. That is, the child, on the basis of already existing knowledge, needs to figure out how it is easier to fold, say, 48 plus 53, and to come out and explain.
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    Right way no all decide as they see fit. In their own way.

    Because of this, for example, when it became clear that the class already knows the shot, and the daughter of Ales, 5 years, still do not know, all the children rushed to explain to her in different ways using apples, cubes and clay. The teacher withdrew, and two days later just asking her if everything is clear. Ales says: I’ve no topic was not so clear.


  • Many fingered hands. All the world is all about “touch and try”. Tasted here wheat, rye and oats. Then went to the mill to grind it all. Now they promise that the Baker will bake “their” flour scones and bring it all to school.
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    In geography studying the local area is literally so: here’s a river, let’s see. See here the soil is such, and here is such. Here on the mountain, look such vegetation, but on the mountain we’ll go tomorrow – other vegetation.

    On the subject, which is “done by hand” – attivita creativa – hours as much as the physical. And these are two of the leader in the number of hours per week.


  • I believe that mistakes are the path to success.
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    Alena in the class did, even a fairy of bugs (very beautiful lovely baby doll). Themselves. This fairy voice, of course, the teacher explains to them that making mistakes is good and you can survive then do nothing, because you: a) think creatively and b) not afraid to try.

    Alesya teacher says every day a new example from science, where the error has led to the discovery.

    A doctor’s note is needed if only passed more than 2 weeks! However, this is the only case when you need all jobs to do at home.

    School of primary, municipal, free. Moscow in my opinion, the pace is quite slow, but, nevertheless, the programs are largely identical, and Alesya class even went a little forward compared to Russian. Don’t understand how they do it with such “vacationers” approach.

    Notes Muscovite Irina Plytkevich, facebook.com, nn.by

    B) How children learn in school Japan

    The Japanese have a lot of features: they educate children differently than they do in Europe. Quite possibly, this fact makes Japan such a cool and successful country, to visit the dream of almost everything. The story of their education system interesting and useful for us, from which one would learn a great deal.

    First, manners – then knowledge. Japanese students do not pass exams until 4th grade (when they turn 10 years), just write a small independent. It is believed that in the first three years of teaching academic knowledge is not the most important. The emphasis is on education, children are taught to respect other people and animals, generosity, ability to compassion, the search for truth, self-control and careful attitude to nature.

    Beginning of the school year falls on 1 April.

    When in most countries, children finish school, the Japanese celebrate its 1st of September. The beginning of the year coincides with one of the most beautiful phenomena – the cherry blossoms. So they tune into something sublime and serious mood. The academic year consists of three trimesters: from 1 April to 20 July, from 1 September to 26 December and from 7 January to 25 March. Thus, the Japanese rest 6 weeks during the summer holidays and 2 weeks in winter and spring.

    In Japanese schools there are no cleaners, the guys clean the room.

    Each class in turn cleans rooms, corridors and even the toilets. So the guys from an early age learn to work together and help each other. Moreover, after students have spent so much time and labor to clean, they would not want to litter. It teaches them respect for their work and the work of others and respectful of the environment.

    In schools only prepare standardized meals that children eat in the classroom together with other students

    In primary and secondary school for boys preparing a special lunch menu, which develop not only cooks but also medical staff, to the food was the most healthy and useful. All classmates eat together with the teacher in the study. In such an informal setting, they interact more and build a friendly relationship.

    The huge popularity of additional education!

    In elementary school children begin to attend private and prep schools to get into good middle and then high school. Classes in such areas are held in the evenings and in Japan is very a typical phenomenon when at 21:00 public transport filled with children who rush home after extra lessons. They do even on Sundays and holidays, considering that the average school day lasts 6 to 8 hours. It is not surprising that the statistics show that in Japan there is almost no repetition.

    In addition to normal lessons pupils are taught the art of Japanese calligraphy and poetry.

    The principle of Japanese calligraphy, or Shodo, very simple: a bamboo brush dipped in ink and smooth strokes paint the hieroglyphs on rice paper. In Japan, Shodo valued not lower than a typical painting. A haiku is a national form of poetry, which succinctly presents the nature and the person as a whole. Both items reflect one of the principles of Eastern aesthetics – the ratio is simple and graceful. Classes teach children to appreciate and respect their culture, with its age-old traditions.

    All students must wear a uniform.

    Since high school, each student is required to wear a uniform. Many schools have their own form, but traditionally, boys wear military style and girls – sailor. The rule is intended to discipline the students because the clothing itself creates morale. Also have the same uniform helps unite classmates.

    The percentage attendance at school is 99.99%

    It is difficult to imagine and one person who never in life do not skip classes at school, and then the whole nation. Also, Japanese students almost never late to class. And 91% of students always listening to the teacher. What other country can boast of such statistics?

    Here we have something to learn from for their children and improve public relations!

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