Russia continues to replenish its reserves of U.S. treasuries, in January was bought another $4.8 billion Such data results in the U.S. Treasury.
In December 2014, Russia have gradually reduced the amount of treasuries in reserves, and by April of last year, our country has remained of these securities total $66,5 billion, but this figure then began to rise again. In December 2015 the volume of investments in the American debt reached 92,1 billion If to compare with January 2015, during this time, Russia increased the volume of treasuries in its portfolio by 14.7 billion.
Well, the largest creditors of America remain China and Japan. They periodically pass the palm of each other, but in General maintain a stable volume. China, for example, for the year from January 2014 has reduced the amount of reserves denominated in U.S. debt receipts by $2.8 billion to $1,237 trillion. In December 2014, this amount was reduced by $8.2 billion.
Japan in annual calculation reduced the volume of its investments in treasuries by $15.1 billion to $1,1235 trillion. Since December, its share relatively stable. At the end of the year Japan owned American debt in the amount of $1,1226 trillion.
In total for January, foreigners increased their investments in U.S. government bonds by $35 billion, reaching us $6,183 trillion.
It is worth mentioning one important rule. If Russia invests in the debt of the USA, and is among the 15 largest holders the U.S. take steps to ensure that the largest banks could even help Russia to place Eurobonds. Just recently, the U.S. state Department in the form of an ultimatum has encouraged its banks to participate in the placement of Russian bonds.
But the other day the Financial Times reported that the EU issued the relevant recommendations, only for their banks.
I should add that in recent years, the Russian Central Bank is actively buying gold, and this year it is yielding results. The yellow metal has shown the best dynamics among all financial assets and the best for himself since 1974, the price increased by 16%, and in the moment of growth exceeded 22%. Due to the revaluation of the Bank of Russia was able to significantly increase reserves.
In the 70-ies of the last century, when the rise in consumer prices in the US reached 15%, caused the biggest gold rally in the entire history of trading. But now the vast majority of developed countries, from the US to Japan, facing deflation, stagnation and falling prices. Gold is more expensive does not prevent, on the contrary, even helps.
Adrian ash, senior strategist at trading company BullionVault, said that it’s all in the Fed. Zero and even negative consumer price growth testifies to the weakness of the economy. This may force American regulator to supply a cycle of raising the key rate by a pause, which in turn hurt the dollar to strengthen. A weaker dollar is an obvious plus for gold.
At the beginning of March the volume of international reserves of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation amounted to about $380 billion on foreign exchange reserves accounted for $323 billion, and reserves in monetary gold — up to $57 billion.
In the early summer of last year the Central Bank announced the comfortable level of reserves — $500 billion, but experts believe that to bring the reserves up to this magnitude can only be made after five to seven years.
The Bank of Russia supported the idea to replenish its reserves of oil at more than $50
The Bank of Russia supports the idea of the Ministry of Finance to transfer to the reserves of oil and gas incomes of the budget over the oil price level at $50 per barrel, to reduce their impact on the ruble at the end of February, told reporters the head of the Central Bank Elvira Nabiullina.
“We have heard suggestions that the new budget rule should proceed from the fact that revenues above a certain oil price (about $50 per barrel) should go immediately into the reserve Fund,”— quoted by RIA Novosti words Nabiullina.