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Rothschild: on the economy of the West put a dangerous experiment

Ротшильд: над экономикой Запада ставят опасный эксперимент


I’m pretty skeptical of conspiracy theories, if they are not supported by the facts. But if the facts are, then I am willing to seriously consider even the most strange or unfashionable conspiracy. From this point of view, I decided to perform a sensational report of Lord Rothschild to its investors. Yes, but did you know that Rothschild funds have investors? I would like to see the list of people and organizations, whose money he manages, but that is quite another history.

Back to the facts.Regardless of whether you believe or not in the existence of the black centers of influence on world politics and economy, there is one fact which is impossible to argue. The profitability of investments at Rothschild Investment Trust, which is controlled by Jacob Rothschild, 1988 amounted to about 2000%, which leaves far behind all competitors and makes us think about that the administering of the trust or are well versed in the global economy, or strongly affect it. Most likely, is both.

Recently, the press leaked letter to Jacob Rothschild to its investors, in which he explained his view on the situation in the global economy. Look, I must say, quite pessimistic. When a similar position I formulate or other Patriotic journalists, you immediately are liberal commentators, who mockingly tells us that the American economy is all right, no problem, the dollar is eternal, and the fed is the Almighty structure, able with the stroke of a pen to solve any economic problem of the country. But when problems in the Western economies indicates Lord Rothschild, respectfully silent. Well, he’s not the jacket or something, right?

But Jacob Rothschild says terrible things. For example, in his letter, there is mention that the Central banks of Western countries have carried out an unprecedented experiment over the largest economies in the world, and nobody knows what will be the consequences of this experiment. Think about it! Jacob Rothschild actually claims that those who control the Western economies, I don’t know what you’re doing, and that they improvise. They have no plan, they have no clear model or an old scheme, they conduct experiments on whole countries, pumping their economies with cheap money out of thin air.

President Obama repeatedly claimed that there is no crisis, it ended thanks to the efforts of American bankers, wisely guiding the Federal reserve system of the USA. It turns out that there is no wise guidance, but there is an experiment that is far from complete, and its end is likely to be tragic.

It is on the tragic end of this great experiment to address structural problems with cheap money indicate actions of Rothschild, which has reduced investments in stocks and bonds, but increased its investments in gold and other precious metals. History teaches us that gold increases in value during economic crises, as well as civil and world wars. It turns out that American propaganda depicting the brilliant recovery of the US economy after the first wave of the 2008 crisis seems to Lord Rothschild very unconvincing, otherwise, he would not buy gold and would not sell American stocks.

In this story there is one funny item. In the world there are three well-known financial player who openly engaged in active buying up of gold: the Central Bank of China, of the Rothschild Foundation and the Central Bank of Russia. It turns out a kind of club of those who are insured in the event of the collapse of the financial markets, and in the event that the experiment conducted by the Western Central banks will lead to the untimely demise of the Western economy.

Such crises always lead to serious international conflicts or even global war, and when I think about it, I cannot but rejoice in the fact that in addition to gold, our government is investing heavily in our army. It is, we may soon need, and not necessarily for war, but to assure the angry West that attempt to Rob us for it will end very badly.

Ruslan Ostashko

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