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Red caviar

Red caviar is the Queen of feasts, a bright ray of happiness among everyday dishes. What do we know about her? A lot of facts and there are among them very interesting.

Fact # 1: she was thrown out along with tripe
A hundred years ago, some of the peoples of Kamchatka, Sakhalin and the Kuril archipelago threw caviar with fish offal, as it spoiled quickly resulting in poisoning. To glaze it began only in the late nineteenth century.

Fact # 2: blow on the eggs,to learn about its quality
The quality of caviar is possible to determine in a straightforward way: on a flat dry plate to put a few dots and then blow on them. If the eggs are stuck to the plate – eggs are bad,but if Boudreau sounded good.

Fact # 3: food for long and strong memory
Scientists claim that people who at least once a week consume red caviar,have good mental abilities, even in very advanced age,and they live on average 7-10 years longer.

Fact # 4: protein is not like meat
Red caviar contains more than 30% of high quality protein that is easily digested,which is why it is recommended to use weak and taralabalu people. ROE quickly restores power and helps to gain weight.

Fact # 5: dried,yet not smart enough to pickle
Salmon ROE was one of the cheapest food of the far Eastern fishermen. They were prepared immediately after extraction and dried (dried) reserve.

Fact No. 6: caviar-chelyabinski
Fedor Ivanovich Chaliapin was very fond of caviar and felt the need to use it almost every day. He ate it with great pleasure,just placing a spoonful on a sandwich of white bread with butter and washed down with vodka. From the point of view of contemporary physicians such food does not improve,but spoil the health,excessively impacting the liver and the pancreas.

Fact # 7: high in calories,but diet food

Interestingly,red caviar refers to dietary meals as it contains many nutrients,although it contains 250 kcalorie per 100 grams. It’s simple: in such numbers the red fish nobody eats. And one tablespoon of caviar would do no harm and only benefit.

Fact # 8: and yet they are!
It is regrettable,but the modern red caviar sold in our retail stores, rather tasty than useful. The fact is that it’s cooked with excessive use of salt and preservatives added so spoiled for a long time.

Fact # 9: caviar caviar strife
Speaking of “red caviar”,many think that it is a single product. There are actually caviar:
– chum salmon (has the largest eggs – up to 9 mm, yellow-orange);
– salmon (grain size 3-5 mm,dark orange);
– sockeye salmon (size of 3-4 mm,has a very rich red color,bitter);
– coho salmon (size of 3-4 mm,red);
– Chinook salmon (size of 2-3 mm,red,sharp);
– the Sims (size 2-3 mm,dark red, tasty).

Fact # 10: eat caviar spoons!
In caviar has almost everything necessary for human being substances. If you only eat red caviar,it would be enough to eat it for a quantity of only 200 grams per week.

Fact # 11: a well-known aphrodisiac
Red caviar – food of the newlyweds.It raises serotonin levels in the blood (hormone of joy), nourishes the body with polyunsaturated fatty acids,increases the potency and contributes to the favorable early pregnancy.

Fact # 12: the place of catch is the value
The delicate taste of the caviar is produced on the island. Experts explain this by the fact that the catch is made directly in the salty sea,so the eggs do not have time to zagrabiti.

Fact # 13: red caviar GOST
If red caviar is salted for 4 hours after the fish directly on the fishing ground and has no more than 5% salt,then it is assigned to 1st grade. By the way,the highest grade of caviar does not exist.

Fact # 14: the one with Olivier
The first salad,made by Lucien Olivier,among other components contained meat grouse and red caviar.

Fact # 15: Khan food
In 1240, the year of the chroniclers of Batu Khan made a recording of that to the table Khan served salmon ROE,which he really likes.As the eggs were cooked they did not specify.

Fact # 16: the impartial statistics
On the world market each year sold about a million tons of red caviar. It turns out that every average inhabitant of the planet from newborn up to deep old every year eats 200 grams of this delicacy.

Fact # 17: who has ever tried
Of 10 people who first tasted caviar,one will not like it at all,6 would buy on holidays,and 3 whenever possible.

Fact # 18: small but precious
Red caviar is more delicious than its smaller size and richer colour. However, this is the case for everybody.

Fact # 19: the secrets of packaging
Not to be mistaken in choosing a jar of red caviar,pay close attention to the numbers embossed on the cover. They must be stamped out,not depressed. Manufacture date should be July or August – time of spawning salmon.If the dates are the other,either the eggs were previously frozen or parafusulina and in that and in other case, its quality will be low.

Fact # 20: about cholesterol
Red caviar is a champion of the cholesterol – 300 mg per 100 grams,but it also contains lecithin and unsaturated fatty acids,therefore, cholesterol is obtained “useful”.


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