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Recipes of traditional medicine to treat angina

Рецепты народной медицины для лечения ангиныAngina – a disease that occurs so often that to the doctor we go not in a hurry.

At present, angina is characterized as acute inflammation of the tonsils and pharynx, usually of bacterial etiology.

The patient squeezed the breath but when swallowing he feels a pain.

Angina painful process covers the whole body and not only the tonsils, so it has a number of complications and require treatment by a physician.

Distinguish purulent (follicular, lacunar) and catarrhal angina, in which there is only redness of the tonsils.

– When as when only throat is red and painful to swallow, but no fever, enough to gargle with a salt solution (1 teaspoon per Cup of water) or red beet juice (grate it on a grater, rinsing the squeezed juice).

– If the temperature began to rise and swollen tonsils, to lubricate the throat once a day with a mixture of iodine with glycerin (in equal parts), and then gargle with hydrogen peroxide solution (1 teaspoon of the prepared solution in a glass of water).

– The swollen tonsils to put on the neck hot compress of water and alcohol, changing it every 4 hours.

– Eat a lemon, with sugar.

– If the temperature continues to rise, the tonsils appeared yellowish dots — pus — and there is no possibility to see a doctor, you need to take the following measures: good to clean the stomach, throat gargle a mixture of salt, borax and baking soda. To divert the blood from the throat, it is necessary to wrap the feet with a thick cloth soaked in cold water with vinegar, and keep it up as long as the fabric does not get warm. Then remove it, and the legs to cover.

– Okay to take sulphur powder 1/4 tsp a day, with water. Nose necessarily involve borax or salt water (saline).

– Gargle with marshmallow root.

– During the raids and particularly during the sore in the throat helps that the sympathetic medium: chop the garlic, put it in the shuffle. walnut shell and bind for 20 min between index finger and thumb of that hand on the side of the throat abscess. You can just tie a small piece of garlic in a rag, but he acts weaker than in the shell. Using this tool, the patient should sleep half-sitting, so as not to suffocate, if the abscess burst.

– Often ill with angina is useful to know, and this simple remedy: every day 5 minutes to sit against the bright sun with his mouth wide open, eyes half closed. The rays penetrate into the throat, pains become less frequent, then completely stop. Duration of treatment — 2-3 weeks.

– An effective remedy — propolis. It should be slow to chew after meals (daily dose is about 5 grams).

Old folk remedy: fresh leaves of cabbage to put on the neck and wrap it with a scarf. The sheets were changed every 2 h. This method allows to delay the development of the inflammatory process.

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