You know, because we have all been through. Remember 2013? When diplomats from the EU came to Kiev hoping to persuade Viktor Yanukovych to release Tymoshenko? And he repeatedly refused. And the MPs went on television, saying that to imprison political opponents is a celebration of “national justice” and cannot go on about “Brussels Blackmailers”.
It was a time of some strange betting, when everyone was arguing about that, will give euroassociation, while “girl in prison”, or is it wrapped? And sounded from time to time voices that Tymoshenko in prison is, of course, bad, but Ukraine with the Association is important. And what good, if all these “stolitsy” got into position and gave Ukraine to pass face-control in a world of free trade. You remember how it ended? Correctly. Ukraine wrapped.
Wrapped, despite all the talk about “not going anywhere”. Because “release Tymoshenko” was a test for Ukraine. A test of the civility, which is the passport to a world of modern States. Previous Ukrainian authorities failed, and the country paid for its electoral mistake with the lives of dozens of citizens.
And now everything repeats. Only as Mikhail Chechetov — Vadim Denisenko, who emasculated the law on Declaration of assets of officials. And then the same Vadim Denisenko and his colleagues tell the whole country that Europe would not give a visa-free regime warring Ukraine, but because the failure with the law is just an excuse and a smokescreen for failure. And he’s across the country echoed dozens of useful fools who have heard the word “geopolitics” and decided they had a right to draw conclusions on a cosmic scale and of equally cosmic stupidity. And now they talk about that condition for a visa-free regime with the Schengen zone is the lifting of sanctions against Russia and normalizing the situation of the Syrian refugees.
And in this story there are two of the most amazing moment.
The first is related to power. Which over and over again trying to deceive the EU, being assured that Kiev will be able to circle European diplomats around the finger. Three years ago, Ukrainian officials pretended not to understand, about any such release of Yulia Tymoshenko is involved. Now a similar suit dancing around anti-corruption laws. Relapse Twoness, which is the fifth time comes to retake, but instead to learn the ticket, persistently trying to cheat. And when he was expelled from the audience — tries to mollify him with stories of “exceptional circumstances”.
The second relates to the useful fools. Who played in “pique vests”, don’t understand the simplest things: a visa-free regime — just a few steps. To obtain it you need nothing at all: to make Ukrainian deputies to Board up the Windows corruption. To adopt the law on electronic Declaration of income. And that’s it. And all the idle talk about “mnogohodovok” — the essence of lies.
And it is surprising that these anti-corruption laws are needed in the first place, Ukraine. It’s not about that, in exchange for visa-free regime Ukraine will have to sacrifice their interests. On the contrary — the EU acts as the doctor who prescribe the medicine to the patient systemically to the body. Simply because otherwise there is no point to bond with its carrier. This law is needed not so much the EU, as Ukraine itself. “Visa free regime” is just the carrot that accompanied the stick of anti-corruption. And, ideally, the act should be generally adopted irrespective of, will give Ukraine after the liberalization of the visa regime or not.
Three years ago, the subject of the trade were political prisoners. Today is anti-corruption legislation. This means that the scale has changed. But a way of thinking — no.
Pavel Kazarin