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Putin won a Third world war?

Путин победил в Третьей мировой войне?

Photo: kremlin

The financial world was shocked by a recent official statement of the Rockefeller clan about a complete exit from the business of uglevodorov. Inexperienced layman could nothing outstanding in the news to see, but in truth this event on a planetary scale. The king has fallen! And with him fell all his Empire.

Since 1870, the year of the founding of Standard Oil, the Rockefellers hatched a plan establish an absolute monopoly on the hydrocarbons market. She had to provide the clan the implementation of their global project – creating a peaceful New world order based on total control of the entire energy market. Year after year, step by step, not disdaining any means, without mincing ways to achieve the goal, the Rockefellers sought to implement it. The outbreak of the First, then Second world wars, many local armed conflicts – all this was aimed at achieving absolute power over mankind.

Путин победил в Третьей мировой войне?

A caricature of John D. Rockefeller, NINETEENTH century

Destructors were trying to get into the ownership – directly or indirectly (through front companies or puppet governments) – all deposits of oil, gas and coal. And perhaps they would reach fruition, if not for the notorious law of balance, which States that to every force always find another equal to her power.

This time was no exception, the plans are “Americans” interfered with their age-old rivals the Rothschilds. The European clan is always different from overseas “partners” tendency to search for compromise solutions in conflict situations. Whereas the Rockefellers adhere to a pretty radical and often aggressive methods of conducting “business”.

But in “games of thrones” higher level main weapon is the art capital and maximize the use of it, and that means a sober mind and subtle calculation. Accordingly, it is the ability of conducting secret games and intrigues is sometimes a significant advantage over the demonstration of brute force and ostentatious gangster arrogance, which can be found in the overseas representatives of the family.

Active confrontation between the American clan of the Rockefellers and the European Rothschilds in the field of hydrocarbons began more than 20 years ago. Confrontation has developed quite rapidly and resulted in the fact that four years ago the Rockefellers were forced to recognize the claims of Rothschild to participate in the redistribution of the energy market already as an equal partner. American bigwigs could not accept tactical defeat, and conceived, as always, to play for high stakes, having played several cards. They bet on the shale oil(many still believe this myth). And decided at the same time earn money for his two favorite “Hobbies” – hydrocarbon production and war. For this purpose, we developed and implemented a plan, known now as the “Arab spring”. After establishing in North Africa controlled by puppets, was launched the next project – LIH*.

The fact that shale deposits no one really never developed because of the low quality of the final product and the absolute unprofitability of production. Any more or less knowledgeable in this area knows that this idea in itself is futile and utopian. But when it is accepted “eminent professionals,” common sense denies even people with really big money who are used to very carefully choose the projects for investment. So the money from gullible and greedy investors began to flow to the Rockefellers an endless stream. The latter managed to convince the financial world in the reality of the illusion they had created.

But if “the us shale oil” is a hoax, then where he undertook an endless string of tankers with full tanks? The essence of the Scam is that well trained and armed gang of thugs under the banner of creating a “worldwide Caliphate” captured the areas where are located the oil fields in Syria and Northern Iraq. Naturally, the mining here has not stopped for a single day. But ISIS* is to “sell” oil to their overseas owners $ 10 per barrel. More precisely, the Rockefeller pirated the oil, which, falling on the tanker, immediately turned into the “American shale”, cost $ 12 per barrel. Of them two dollars went to the company account of the son of Turkey’s President Erdogan of Rajapa, which played a very important link in the scheme.

We are not just witnesses and unwitting participants in the Third world, the invisible war, which, fortunately, is coming to its logical conclusion. After every war ends sooner or later the world. Actually, in hostilities of this war were involved in many visible and invisible participants.

It is now evident that all the events that unfolded before our eyes, were large-scale theatrical production, behind the scenes, which on one side was the Rockefeller clan at the head of the Alliance of non-humans, and with other Union forces, which protects the interests of mankind, where a crucial role was played by the Russian leadership. Among others, it should be noted the key role of the Rothschild clan, which joined the Union in the fight against world evil.

Track the chronology of events. In Syria begins a bloody war. The administration of Barack Obama, besieged by the Rockefellers in the deepest debt hole, forced to obey the commands of a clan of money-lenders and the escalation of the conflict, effectively supporting ISIL militants*.

To Europe through the territory of the countries-victims of the Arab spring from North Africa, through Turkey and Greece from the Middle East organized the multi-million flow of refugees, which is supported by the European puppets of the Rockefellers headed by Angela Merkel. In fact, you are exporting terrorism, the conditions for the takeover of Europe by the same ISIS militants* and implements a plan of revenge the Rothschilds (whose Barony – an Old Light) for the temporary (so thought the Rockefellers) the defeat in the market of hydrocarbons – planned bloody war in the heart of Western civilization. And as we already know, for an American clan war – “the mother” and the usual business. It should also be noted that the “Arab spring” and overthrow the “hateful dictatorship” were the Rockefellers as a preparatory step, because previous leaders of the North African Arab States were bound by obligations to Europe to stem the flow of illegal immigrants from the African continent.

Meanwhile in Ukraine falls out of the legitimate President Yanukovych. Come to power pocket minions, at the behest of their overseas masters to start a bloody war, in fact, a genocide against the Ukrainian people. All these stages of the plan of the Alliance of bad people were well-planned, designed and properly implemented.

But their every move was followed by a proportionate and unambiguous return move in the style of the Great Grandmaster. Putin is not in a hurry, and, retaining composure and common sense, in each of the scenes acted more than adequately, building a global party in the interests of humanity in General and Russia in particular.

Long before the invasion of Syria, the Russian leadership knew about the upcoming challenge. Foreseeing undesirable geopolitical consequences of the upcoming events, their tragic outcome for Syrian people, Russian diplomats held with Bashar al-Assad negotiations and reached agreements, according to which Russia took upon itself responsibility for the preservation of the integrity and sovereignty of the Arab Republic. To some it may seem that we failed to act when Syria started bombing, but the real war was waged not in the territories of the Middle East, where, alas, killed people, and diplomatic fronts, the so-called “Wonderland.” And results true victories we are now seeing.

The Rockefellers suffered a serious defeat in its territory. It should be noted that this is a considerable merit and representatives of the Rothschild clan. In the United States began a severe domestic political crisis.

At the right moment, when all the conditions are created, Russia sent troops into Syrian territory fairly quickly restored order. Most importantly, what has made our army is de-energized the Rockefellers, completely blocking oil flows from Syria and North Iraq to Turkey and closed the channel “supply” so-called “refugees” to Europe, thus protecting the Old world from the escalation of the situation. Yeah, the problem there is not solved yet, painfully, diligently obeyed the orders from overseas Merkel and Erdogan, but now it will be much easier. Naturally, this infuriated blood-thirsty Turk.

He first lost a very profitable business, even two (“peaceful refugees” and “shale oil”), and secondly, suddenly realized that he was left in the dustbin of history, as used and therefore unnecessary subject, and now he’s on his own. Forces downed the Turkish air force Russian su-24 in the skies above Syria – it’s hysterical doomed policy. And here I must give credit to Mr. Putin for his courage and steadfastness, by which he found the strength to hold back and avoid the deaths of many thousands of innocent peaceful Turks, did not cause a full retaliatory strike.

Now the question is closed with Syria, Putin has enabled the United States to withdraw from the conflict, saving face, the fate of ISIS* resolved, and our troops now remain in the middle East more likely to perform peacekeeping missions and rule of law in the region.

As for Europe, as already noted, the main task is solved – closed channel, through which were supplied the “victims of the middle East conflict”, which, as we recall, “somehow” they were mainly young men with good expensive smartphones and a sufficient amount of cash in hard currency. Of course, our European colleagues have yet to do some serious work before the Old world can breathe a sigh of relief. It is primarily, of course, about the work of the security services. And then the citizens of “common space” will have to adapt to the new conditions in which they were thanks to the efforts of their rulers – fantasy of the Rockefeller clan, who took on about 2 million refugees. Overall, of course, the fate of the EU is almost a foregone conclusion: the economic crisis is cleared up, the problems with illegal immigrants, the desire of individual States to withdraw from the once-cohesive community, having additional clamp liabilities not Bode well for the future and strengthen separatist sentiment in the member States of Evroalyans. Nothing can be done, people have to survive.

Perhaps the most difficult situation our brothers–Ukrainians. The Americans brought to power in a country of thieves and murderers, shaped marauders who robbed and ruthlessly destroy the civilian population of the once flourishing and welcoming region. Now due to the recent geopolitical upheavals, that Ukraine will unfold the dramatic events which witnesses we will be in the near future.

In the circumstances, overseas owners not much incentive to pick up rats from a sinking ship. The white house has been almost openly renounced the “Chocolate eating”. Who needs other people’s problems, when its enough? Thus, the road to the beloved United States for Poroshenko and his cronies closed. The same situation is with Britain – the eternal patron of pirates and criminals of all kinds. The crown must take the side of the winners, so as not to incur troubles. About the European Union and cannot speak for them now the main task on the agenda is the establishment of good-neighbourly relations with Russia. Europe has already demonstrated its categorical unwillingness to accept the “young democracy” in your family. And the referendum in the Netherlands – a formal proof. Ukraine in the form in which we see it today, do not need anyone but themselves Ukrainians. For the Kiev regime, this means actual death. And it’s not just words, and it’s not just about the end of his political career.

July 23, 2015, the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia Alexander Bastrykin in an interview to “Rossiyskaya Gazeta” (issue No. 6733 (162)) reported that in 2014 in the structure of the Main investigation Department created a special Department for investigation of crimes involving the use of prohibited means and methods of warfare. The office handles cases on the facts of the genocide, many unknown disappearances, kidnappings, murder, obstruction of journalistic activity, calls for the unleashing of aggressive war, rehabilitation of Nazism and other crimes. Also formed operational headquarters in connection with the investigation of crimes against the peace and security of mankind on the territory of Ukraine, headed personally by the President of the RF IC. Bastrykin does not exclude the creation of the international Tribunal for Ukraine, which “will give a legal estimation” to actions of the Ukrainian authorities and the military.

Now in Ukraine very carefully gather information and form lists of names of activists of the Maidan, war criminals, those who organized and participated in attacks on buildings of the Russian Embassy in Kiev, journalists misinformed the population of Ukraine and incited interethnic hatred. The lists and get those who were engaged in lustration, baiting of officials – the people who faithfully carried public service. The work is very laborious, each fact is well documented, so innocent in them will not, and retribution from the perpetrators will be captured.

Interesting fact: if you look, only active decomposers – national fascists, corrupt journalists, posobnitsey the Kiev junta in fuelling war and ethnic hatred, misleading and confusing the population, as well as “great give” and their administrators are fewer in Ukraine about 10 thousand people. And all the rest are banal thugs who hide behind the “popular” in society revolutionary signs. The situation is reminiscent of the dashing nineties, but the main difference is that when at the end of the last century was given orders to eliminate the gangs, those who lived to the dock, to be judged by the articles for banditry. But today they will be tried for crimes against humanity. As you know, the responsibility for these items are much higher, up to capital punishment.

What awaits the country and its citizens? Very soon senseless slaughter in the Donbass will cease and peace will come. But what will it bring? Those regions whose residents rabid rushed to Donbass from fascist banners and Nazi flags “to save naniko” from the separatists, will find themselves in a very unenviable position. “Woe to otchetnosti” headlong rush home to circle the wagons in fear of their skins. After all, they are the ones who understand that the people of the Eastern regions want to hear the answers to very specific questions: “why did you kill our children? Why are you bullying our wives, sisters and daughters? First you raped them, and then gouged out his eyes. What was all that about?!”

Time “games of patriots” came to an end. Believe me, none of yesterday’s punishers do not want to see themselves on the verge of miners and hear from their lips the terrible, but fair questions in person. Will the questioners and more mundane questions: “Where furniture and appliances out of my house? Where panties and bras for my wife?” I’m sorry, but the looting in the East, in fact, reaches the point of absurdity.

Yesterday punishers-the volunteers will raise a howl: “Trade!” And immediately recall their European past. Will require restoration of “historical justice” and return to borders of 1939! “Our murderer Stalin forcibly annexed to the Soviet Union! We never wanted this!” – will scream they are. This, believe me, do not disdain to take advantage of Ukraine’s neighbors. The same Poland. Hungary. Behind them will be tightened Romania, which under the total noise will begin to submit claims to regain the territory of Bessarabia and the snake island in the Black sea.

Путин победил в Третьей мировой войне?

You will witness the process of redistribution of territory of Ukraine. Those who yesterday fought in the Donbass “its a United Ukraine”, tomorrow will turn into hardened separatists. And the first swallows already flew in this direction. The Europeans will certainly support the idea of a “reunification of families and forcibly separated people,” to “restore historical justice”. Whatever. Who would refuse the extension of the boundaries of their own state, especially at the expense of others? But do not especially be under a delusion, illusions and see the salvation where there is none! The Europeans exploited every single one of the militant Nazis and given to the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. Will be very hard cleaning, because in a civilized society there is no place for looters, rapists and murderers. Moreover, in Poland still remember very well the “heroism” of a gang of Staki “Snot” Bandera and the mass murder of thousands of innocent poles.

By the way, the help note: in Poland people are collecting the documents confirming the property right to real estate and land in Lviv, other cities and villages of Western Ukraine. And in the suburbs of Lviv that are already being built ready to receive its residents, “Ghost towns” that still raise questions in the minds of local residents: “For whom is all this built?” Very soon they will know for whom. When the poles begin to return expropriated by the Soviet government the plots and immovable property, visvarupa Ukrainians into the street as homeless cats, who got to bask in the master canopy.

While the processes are only understood by a few. But the Ukrainian oligarchs have a certain degree of awareness, so now most of them are already doing their best to Talitsa from involvement in the Maidan, and begin to “play” for Russia. By the way, March 24, at a closed meeting with representatives of big business held in the framework of the Congress of the Russian Union of Industrialists and entrepreneurs, President Putin asked the question: “Should we sell our Ukrainian assets, or worth the wait?” On this, Mr Putin replied that the government there may change, but business and Ukraine will remain.

The clan of Rockefellers fell, and the official rejection of the hydrocarbons, in essence, is nothing more than the signing of the unconditional surrender. Do you think Kerry (the man Rockefeller in the Obama administration) just arrived to Moscow with a suitcase, which refused to let go?

Inside the United States already today we can see the obvious results of the fall of the Rockefeller clan – the country is almost on the verge of civil disruption. American “experts” were sown in 80-ies of XX century, to destroy the Soviet Union, those same fruits they are reaping now in our own country. The mess and scandals everywhere and at all levels. And here, unfortunately, race is in full swing. The Democrats have going on by a partisan squabble, Obama was openly opposed to Mrs. Clinton – stalinize the Rockefellers. Republicans, too, all “not the glory of God.” The country is bursting at the seams! Yes, of course, the clan continues to control dollar “the typewriter” and may try to Finance in a world of terror, so as always to export its problems to the outside. But now they have too many problems.

On this wave in the first place in the presidential race in the States published “no man’s man,” the multi-billionaire Donald Trumpkinp. And it is worth listening to. After all, he’s telling the truth. Clearly, without equivocation and posturing, he speaks openly about the problems of American society and ways of their solution. The only trump says that America needs to work closely and make friends with Russia. He only expresses the need to end to the policy of global expansion and focus all their attention on solving internal problems of the state.

Comes to an end and the period of forced “vacation” the legitimate President of Ukraine Yanukovych. Now it is obvious that his “escape” from the country was actually part of a complex geopolitical scenario. This was done primarily as an attempt to prevent bloodshed in the country.

But bloodthirsty lackeys imposters on a power trip, wasn’t going to stop, because war was necessary to their owners. Now, after the victory of Putin in the third world, the invisible war, a very high chance of the return of Viktor Yanukovych back to Ukraine and for brand of the Board. It is clear that the level of confidence among population is low now, so he’ll be back as a temporary technical figures. His task will be to restore order in the country, the reconciliation of the population and ensure holding of early presidential and parliamentary elections according to the letter of the law. But together with Yanukovych will return and Mykola Azarov – politician and professional, ready to take on the role of a crisis Manager and to take actual leadership of the state of Ukraine itself. For this purpose he has all necessary: impeccable business reputation and high degree of trust not only in Moscow but also in Western Europe.

Recent statements by Azarov give a clear understanding that they formed a team of professionals who are already in consultations at the international level on the resolution of domestic and foreign policy crisis. They have already enlisted the support of governments and politicians in many countries in the world, as well as representatives of international financial circles.

In fact, the return of Yanukovych to the presidency of benefit primarily by Ukrainians. The international monetary Fund (the organization is fully controlled by the Rockefellers), through which representatives of the junta led by Poroshenko, who seized power by armed coup, actually sponsored fascism and Ukrainian Nazis. Remember what a “Royal” gift was made by the gauleiters to his vassals in December of last year? In the rules of IMF lending facilities were amended, through which it became possible to give Ukraine a new tranche. This has never happened before in the entire history of its existence! Now, if Yanukovych to return, Ukraine will not have to return a single penny received from international moneylenders by the government of Yatsenuk and Poroshenko multi-billion dollar loans. Because they were issued to impostors who (again) took power in the country by force. And this item is recorded in the “instrument of surrender” signed by the Rockefellers. Swallow, will clear itself and not a peep of indignation will not publish. So the Ukrainian people have something to think about.

In the first two weeks of March this year, commissioned by one of the subsidiaries of PricewaterhouseCoopers in Ukraine conducted an anonymous survey of the population. The participation of 6438 of respondents from all regions of the country, except Luhansk and Donetsk, where the survey was not conducted. People were offered a rapid test consisting of three questions. The first was: “Who would you like to see next Prime Minister of Ukraine?” It was proposed that five possible answers: a). Tymoshenko; b). Groisman; c). Jaresko; d). Azarov; e). Yatseniuk. Results: 10,1%, 6,4%, 0,5%, 82,6% (!), 0,4% (!!!) – respectively. The second was: “Who would you like to see the next President of Ukraine. This time it was suggested that four variants: a). Poroshenko; b). Pinchuk; c). Yanukovych; d). Turchinov. Results: 0,2% (!!!), 15,8%, 74,6% (!), 9,4% – respectively. The third was: “would you Like to the situation in Ukraine returned to the level of 01.10.2013?” Three answer choices: a). Yes; b). Not; c). It’s difficult to answer. Results: 99,8% (!), 0,17%, 0,03% – respectively.

The numbers speak for themselves. Customers were shocked by the results, which were immediately classified and most likely none of them would have never have known if the group was not one of our analysts. The question arises: why do people in the Ukraine are silent and suffer? Because the survey results reflect real mood of the Ukrainians. The answer to this question lies on the surface: President Poroshenko (as it is called by people in Ukraine) really does not like criticism, no. Especially any. And just Pushcha in his address. Therefore, Ukraine is now experiencing very strange events that resemble repression. Only one case of Yuriy Pavlenko, who is in the winery was sentenced to 4.5 years because he publicly tore up the portrait of “passionately beloved” President Poroshenko’s what it takes. Because of that, people are silent, it is very heavy in the hand “Pana chocolate”. Freedom of speech in the country is practically absent, thrives on terror and the violation of all human values, including constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens. And the media thrives outright bribery. Journalism as a profession is almost destroyed, because an objective professional Pete is not needed, and under his tune to dance not everyone wants. So on TV channels and in Newspapers gain the obedient lackeys, ready for a penny to sell themselves, which all contribute to the spread of hysteria. Now Ukraine to be a journalist is much more humiliating than to trade body.

Fortunately, the era of atrocities terminates. Time heals all. Clans come and go, but life moves inexorably forward. Another milestone in the history of mankind has come to its conclusion. Very soon, the international Tribunal will deliver its verdict, the guilty will incur the deserved punishment, the dust settles and humanity is waiting for at least fifty years of peaceful life guaranteed by the multipolarity of the world. This is the victory that was won by Putin in the third world, the invisible war. And, fortunately, very soon humanity will once again hear the enthusiastic exclamation: “long live the king!”

* is a terrorist organization, is prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation

Ivan Yakovlev

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