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Psychologists told about the consequences of repressed anger

Психологи рассказали о последствиях подавления гневаIt turned out that to suppress the anger is very dangerous.

According to researchers at the University of Michigan, a married couple, constantly suppress anger have a higher risk of premature death than those who Express it.

Sometimes it seems that anger is the problem. If you want to kill even the closest person, which for the hundredth time threw socks at home or forgot to buy bread, is not a problem. Scientists claim that prevents us from the wrath that “stitched” the human brain, and the habit to suppress it, until it reaches the boiling point, or will not result in psychosomatic ailments.

Most people are taught in childhood to be decent, not to create other problems. But at constant time trouble, overloads and lack of sleep, the tensions of modern man is extremely high, say experts at the University of Wisconsin-green Bay. They proved that thinking about what angered us for a few days or even months ago, increase blood pressure and heart rate as much as the event itself.

Anger is the result of what starts as fear or discomfort. Before you realized the significance of the threat, the body has already arranged the release of adrenaline. Anger is a secondary emotion that translates into self-protection mode. For example, reprimand the chief turns to outrage subordinate: “And why am I still working here?”. It occurs instead through fear: “the Chief yells, he can fire me”.

Anger is the most contagious emotion

The majority of educated people, the prefrontal cortex suppresses “angry impulses” in the Bud.

Anger is suppressed by effort of will.

But that the blood may be constantly saturated with stress hormones, which leads to many diseases.

According to the 2012 study, conducted by doctors of Carnegie Mellon, such as partially inhibits the ability of the immune system to suppress inflammation in the body. The higher the stress level, the greater the likelihood that frivolous reason (somebody stepped in the bus on the foot) causes an outburst of rage. By the way, anger is the most contagious emotion.

Common advice is to think about the causes of their experiences. But such “chewing” contributes to depression. Many patients suffering from severe forms of the disease, mention the period of long suppressed rage. Irritable bowel syndrome, migraine is other ways of body process constant adrenaline rush. Take a “time out”

Anger is a signal that something needs to be addressed.

If you experience anger, don’t try to ignore bodily sensations. Relax your shoulders and breathe deeply with your belly. It is best to take “time out”. Find the true cause of the anger. If you are angry will determine what you do not like? The work seems pointless? You pay a little? You never have time to solve all your problems? You have a conflict with a coworker? You are interested in other activities? Anger blocks the ability to perceive the emotions of another person.

In “survival mode” mentality serves only its own needs, setting us to “beat or run”. If you try to solve the situation, when you “boil”, the conflict could become uncontrollable. But if not addressed, the anger will be added to the chronic sense of helplessness – it was this “bouquet” often leads to depression. So a constructive dialogue after the anger cools down, just necessary for your health.

Three ways to reduce anger:

1. Eat healthy food

Many people “zazhevyvaya wrath. Steak or ice cream relieve stress, but overall even more harm to the health. No wonder on laboratory animals it has been proven that food in the time of stress is not digested. Only something vegetable and not particularly high in calories will help to keep normal level of blood sugar, and a little distracted. The best option – a glass of yogurt or kefir with grains crackers, Apple, citrus.

2. Hide social networks from “bad” friends

First, in a state of anger I want to destroy something, to erase, to remove. Secondly, social networks affect the mood of modern man. If you regularly read the sad complainers or angry trolls, this could be another stroke to chronic stress. Do not make radical steps. Just hide the most “harmful” of of news feed, and watch in a month over their emotions.

3. Clean on the desktop

There are people for whom cleaning is the best way to “blow off steam”. But for the rest a sense of control over the situation appears, when the working and living quarters look neat. The first step is a Desk, because that’s what you spend most of the time. If it is chaos – irritation gradually increases.

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