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Properties of tomatoes, which you might not know

Свойства помидоров, о которых вы могли не знатьAmazing facts about tomatoes and tomato juice.

Tomatoes entered into our lives for a long time, firmly, and, it seems, forever cutting them up in salads, they make sauces, and, of course, the tomato juice, which we have today will be discussed. Did you know that the most useful thing to eat tomatoes in the form of juice? Tomato juice is very nutritious, it contains many useful substances, and if you start to regularly use it in food, it will definitely benefit your health..

We can give you a few compelling arguments proving that it is true. It is full of vitamins Tomato juice made from fresh tomatoes are an excellent source of vitamins A and C. eating it Regularly in your food, you reduce the likelihood of disease many chronic diseases of eyes, strengthen immune system, and help to strengthen teeth and bones.

It lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood because Of a poorly balanced diet the level of cholesterol in the blood of many people far exceeds the norm. Tomato juice is full of beneficial fiber, which can help your body increase the level of good cholesterol and decrease bad.

It helps the body eliminate toxins Body of virtually any person with passing years becomes a real storehouse of various toxins and food additives that are now found in almost every semi-finished and finished products. And tomatoes contain compounds of chlorine and sulfur that stimulate the liver and kidneys. That is why tomatoes are one of the best products for those who want to clean your body for toxins.

It stimulates the bowel In our time, millions of people around the world suffer from problems with digestion and bowel. So — tomato juice can help you in this. Regular consumption of tomato juice helps to improve digestion, and also helps to avoid constipation.

It helps get rid of excess weight Regular consumption of tomato juice helps your body get enough water, also it contains large amount of fibers that promote rapid emergence of satiety. And it provides your body almost all the necessary nutrients and normalizes your metabolism.

It helps to avoid diseases of the cardiovascular system Tomatoes are rich in vitamin B6, and because tomato juice is one of the best natural remedies for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. It is believed that destroys vitamin B6 in the body homocysteine, an amino acid that can damage blood vessel walls, thus contributing to the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases.

It contributes to a better tan, Yes, Yes, tomato juice can not only drink, but also to apply to the skin as a suntan. It acts as a remedy for the acne, promotes skin renewal, and even closes the pores.

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