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Products that may be poisonous after a post

Продукты, которыми можно отравиться после постаDoctors have called the products that can cause serious poisoning after a long fasting.

After the 40-day limit fat and animal food, abruptly change to a normal diet is extremely dangerous. Under strict ban in the first days of the holiday should be chips, fast food and soda.

This was told by the dietician Irina Morozova.

“Such Goodies as barbecue, smoked meat, fatty pork, herring and mayonnaise salads can cause poisoning, stomach upset, nausea and intoxication. But even more harmful to use the so-called street food. Doctors, in principle, do not recommend anyone ever to get involved in fast food, chips and other “benefits” of modern life, but after lent such food should be banned, because your stomach and liver simply forgotten how to cope with so many harmful toxins and ceased to produce the necessary enzymes,” — said the expert.

In the list of the most dangerous products while out of the post — crisps, salted nuts, fried meat, pickled vegetables, dried salted fish, soups and broths with “cubes”, candy in large quantities, cream cakes and pastries. And, of course, at least at first is to abandon sweet drinks and alcoholic beverages.

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