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Preventing the development of osteoarthritis

Способы предупреждения развития остеохондрозаDoctors say that each person is able to take care of your spine, in order to prevent the development of most common diseases — osteoarthritis.

Most of today’s youth, as people in Mature and old ages, spend almost all day in a sitting position. Judge for yourself: eat Breakfast at the table, certainly not standing, the transport is almost always occupied the seats at the back are sitting, study — same night the house adopted a position of “half-sitting” at the TV on the sofa and so on. If a person has a private car and he works somewhere in the office, he more than anyone else is at risk of developing osteoarthritis, especially if there is excess weight.

The main methods of prevention of degenerative disc disease that work at all:

1. Need to sleep on an orthopedic mattress and pillow, accepting the contours of your body.

2. To go to the pool. Doctors are confident that swimming is a great way to train the spine.

3. Sports. In this case, the doctors mean at least light exercises, which should be given 10 minutes each time, 2 times a day. And those who have the ability and desire, you can do any sport.

4. Therapeutic massage. Office workers and all those who are forced most of the day sitting on his fifth point, it should be every six months to undergo therapeutic massage.

5. To protect your spine from an early age. This refers to that person it is undesirable to drag of gravity all the time, especially in one hand or carry the bag on one shoulder. Posture, sitting at the table. To avoid wearing too high heels or go low as well as no arch support — all this harms the spine.

6. Working at a table, people have every 40-50 minutes to get to his feet. Just 1-2 minute walk down the hall or the office and can sit back in his chair.

7. Need to sit on this chair that will support your back in the correct position. The main thing — not to curl up in or not to put one leg under the other, thus bending the spine.

8. To do self-massage of the neck and warm up for the spine. Anything you should prevent sitting at your Desk, make tilts head to the side, then rotate it clockwise and back. Fingers to massage my neck literally 5 minutes. This is an effective ways to prevent osteoarthritis, you have the opportunity to exercise every day, several times.

9. To prevent development of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, the doctors advise to use headphones instead of the banal are applied on the mobile phone to the ear. So you do not overextend the neck muscles.

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