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Poroshenko has turned into a bad dancer

Порошенко превратился в плохого танцора

Promise – no bags roll… Two and a half years ago, “dignity revolution” has transformed the brotherly Ukraine in a young and ambitious European democracy. Fueled confectionery, personally baked business Victoria Nuland, pictured by victory over the Yanukovych regime free citizens wanted to deal with the oligarchs, to build a strong and prosperous Republic “to spite haughty neighbor”, but something all the time stop to follow through.

After failing to find a decent among of misfits and nationalists, yellow-Blakytny the electorate entrusted the power of the dollar billionaire Petro Poroshenko. He promised to stop the war for a couple of weeks to sell the business assets and to push Ukraine into the European Union, but did nothing, bumping into insurmountable obstacles.

First, it is the one and only – Russia. And a week passes without the “chocolate king” complained about Western backers in Moscow. On the eve of the Ukrainian President called Angela Merkel and Francois Hollande blaming Putin that he staged a diversionary attack on the Crimea with the aim to discredit Kiev. In General, there has been nothing new.

The position is entirely a win-win – the Kremlin is solely responsible for the actions of the rebellious Donbass. The war against DNR and LNR washes out funds from Hilo budget, not allowing for also sickly economic reforms and to Finance social programs. If you believe the numerous and vociferous local experts, Russia, flooding the country “zradnikami” in the face “FSB Colonel” Dmitry Yarosha and “Colonel GRU of Nadiya Savchenko, as well as the personal mistress of Putin,” Yulia Tymoshenko, stimulates the party of war, not allowing to resolve the situation in the East of the country. They say that Poroshenko could have it out, Yes, all the ghouls did not agree.

In the role of “devil’s advocate” was made by the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev. Elder post-Soviet policy acknowledged that the billionaire, in General, willing to compromise, but the associates he has frostbite, do not give to break the construct into the wild.

However, in the sequence magnate do not blame. On the internal and external arena, he insists on war. And the logic of military confrontation with Russia, about which so much is said in the Ukrainian media, Poroshenko tells two necessary steps. The first is the introduction of martial law in the country. If you approach its implementation seriously, it will help not only to mobilize the economy, but also temporarily disarmed political opponents who will face a choice – either help the enemy “rock the boat” or to share responsibility with the President. The second necessary step is the severance of diplomatic relations with the enemy. With his help, suppressed all attempts of the impact of “soft power” of the enemy in mass consciousness.

But there it was! Foreign Minister of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin insists that to break off diplomatic relations with Russia in spite of everything what is happening is not intended. And it is clear. Near Lipetsk, hard working confectioners chocolate factory “Roshen”, which his patron could not shake off. Or maybe simply does not want.

If “bad dancing” Petro Poroshenko has not interfered with chocolate eggs, and simple, probably, it would be easier to manage, and the mess in Eastern Ukraine would have ended in June 2014 without escalating into full-scale war. But, unfortunately for the young European democracy, the primary sexual characteristics of man in national politics has not the President, and two women – Nadezhda Savchenko and Yulia Tymoshenko. And both are in opposition, that only complicates the fate of the long-suffering state.

Explorer Noteru.com Sergey Runco

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