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Putin has made Poroshenko a “black list”

In Kiev, the louder the shouts that neither the Ministry nor the presidential administration, nor the Petro Poroshenko for a long time can not contact with Vladimir Putin. What is it? Boycott?! Of course, such kind of measures the Russian side threat, but in this case it is necessary to …

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Putin bought them all!

Reading articles in the Western media that the Kremlin judoka bought almost the entire Western political elite, one wonders: if You are selling skins, why you all crowd not to buy? Putin: okay, guys, I got it! Here, GDP and all buys: the President of the Czech and Hungarian Prime …

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Return to Aram-Zam-Zam

Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree abolishing the ban on Charter air transportation between Russia and Turkey. The corresponding document was published on the website of the Cabinet of Ministers. How to easily change the mood of the people and their vacation plans. Times and all the …

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The weak point of Hillary Clinton

Clinton seems to have become President, but she lacks popularity For Hillary Clinton, probably, it is tempting simply to count down the days before the election in November. She has a commanding lead in popularity ratings, and in key States such as Virginia and Colorado – its advantage is estimated …

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The West once again uses allegations

Remember how it was during the cold war? The Soviet Union was a territory of Evil, and all the ills in the world caused solely by the Kremlin. It raced from the pages of Newspapers, television and speeches. It’s been a long time, the Soviet Union does not exist three …

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Illiberal Russia

Latest appointments in the center and on the ground, full of emotion letter to S. Glazyev, A. Kudrin, the wave of attacks on Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and many other recent developments have provoked a debate about whether the authorities refuse formally from their professed economic liberalism — the free …

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What can cause the permissiveness of the US?

The essence of the statements of the American General Stephen Townsend, can be clearly summarized as follows. Americans have a right without permission to get into your place, and help your enemies to plunder her assets. At the slightest attempt to defend his honor, dignity and property, you risk getting …

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Romania and Russia need a new Nicolae Ceausescu?

At the turn of 1980s and 1990s years in Eastern Europe swept the series the so-called “velvet revolution”, during which the former socialist leaders handed power in the hands of the opposition. In the Soviet Union was not an open opposition. All of it was harmless “kitchen” for a friendly …

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