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Romania and Russia need a new Nicolae Ceausescu?

At the turn of 1980s and 1990s years in Eastern Europe swept the series the so-called “velvet revolution”, during which the former socialist leaders handed power in the hands of the opposition. In the Soviet Union was not an open opposition. All of it was harmless “kitchen” for a friendly Buster and extremely dangerous, but hidden, in the higher echelons of power of the party and Soviet nomenklatura, which is not subjected to purges since Stalin’s time.

The seizure of power by anti-Soviet and the dismantling of the Soviet system in the USSR and the RSFSR, as in the former Soviet space, can also be attributed to initiated by the West “velvet revolutions”.
. it was all done in the interests of the West and primarily the United States, it is sufficient to answer the question, known since the times of Ancient Rome: “Cui prodest? Cui bono? (Who benefits?). The main beneficiary, of course, was the United States of America, well opravivshis their economic faltering business by Pro-us Yeltsin regime of the Russian Federation.

Russia as a colony of the United States, according to the Deputy of the state Duma Yevgeny Fyodorov, 1991, pays annual tribute to America in $200-300 billion Is another mechanism associated with the formation and increase the wealth of the oligarchs of 500 billion dollars a year. Due to the loss of the sovereignty of Russia under Yeltsin, our people live in 24 times worse than they could live. Plus, Russia imposed a ban on the development, because we have prohibited America national credit system. That China has managed to fight off a velvet revolution and to maintain its sovereignty. And although they have to give taxed US for the sake of peace, but on more favorable terms, as the Central Bank in China is a state Bank, and China has the opportunity to develop.

Our Central Bank explicitly prohibited lending to the Russian government, and European and American – are allowed. The combination of these rules leads to the fact that the Bank of Russia is not working on the Russian economy. Therefore, Europe and the United States launch the mechanism of credit issue, and we only support their credit issue. And none of the decrees of the President of Russia for the Central Bank are not the law and openly sabotaged “by law” established outside of Russia. For example, the Central Bank keeps rates at 8.5 percent, not to put money into the national credit system. And in Europe – four or five, it means that we are initially in a non-competitive position. Link https://lenta.ru/articles/2012/11/09/fedorov/

Putin went on to a third presidential term with his program of restoring sovereignty of Russia. USA was against it, in particular, said Vice-President of the USA Joe Biden. That is why our President was agreeable to the West and to all the haters of Russia. Who does not understand, or the fool, or little informed people.

The dismantling of communism in Romania did not go according to the script of the “velvet revolution” because of the personality of Nicolae Ceausescu. The overthrow of his regime was bloody and ended with the execution of the former leader of the country. Note that this was a strong leader, he rid the country of all foreign debts and pursued an independent foreign policy, as would be equidistant from opposing sides of two camps.

The death of Ceausescu was filed under the public information sauce: “angry people dealt with the bloody dictator, who gave the order to shoot the hungry workers.”

Leader of the Romanian workers ‘ party, 47-year-old Nicolae ceauşescu came in 1965, after the death of Geogia Gheorghe-Dej, who held this position for 17 years. Ceausescu even achieved the renaming of the country — the Romanian people’s Republic (NRP) became the Socialist Republic of Romania. And yet Chaushesku more actively interacted with the West.

In 1974, amending the Constitution of Romania, Ceausescu became President of the country and this post he held until his death. The country has carried out liberal reforms. When it began to actively develop the industry of the country because the leader saw the future of the state in the departure from the predominance of the agricultural sector. For thirty years from 1944 industrial production in Romania has increased 100-fold.

Wily West has done to the President of the RAF, the offer was hard to refuse — the cancellation of all debts and providing new loans in exchange for the withdrawal of Romania from the Warsaw Pact and COMECON and the termination of cooperation with the Soviet Union. But Ceausescu was quite happy stand-alone position in the socialist camp. And he flatly refused. And thus decided his fate.

To pay country debts, which previously went to the country’s industrial development, was imposed austerity. Food rationing, petrol coupons, electricity hourly. The standard of living of the Romanians began to fall, and with it the popularity of Ceausescu. By April 1989, the country paid off its foreign debts. But life has deteriorated significantly. Besides in the West the leader of the socialist Romania was considered “the bad guy”.

Mikhail Gorbachev urged the head of Romania to follow his perestroika on a Western course designations. In Ceausescu again has a chance to become a “good guy” for the West, as Gorbachev himself. But the Romanian stubborn and didn’t take it. And it came to a decisive climax. Nicolae Ceausescu at the celebration of the 45th anniversary of the liberation of Romania from fascism, said: “Rather, the Danube will flow back, will be restructuring in Romania”. He meant the restructuring of the Gorbachev model, which is entirely satisfied with the West and who knew where it would lead the USSR.

Румынии и России нужен новый Николае Чаушеску?

6 Dec 1989 in Moscow, Gorbachev said bluntly Nicolae Ceausescu that the rejection of the reform will turn to him “consequences.” Bullseye knew what he was talking about. To be in our world a political cat who walks by himself, is fraught with life. In the Soviet press began to call him “a Stalinist”, and in the West, forgetting the former article about “good guy from Romania,” wrote about “the monstrous crimes of the Romanian dictator.”

Romania has its border countries. In late 1989, the unrest began in Timisoara on the separatist and anti-Communist grounds. A dissident pastor Laszlo Tekesh, Hungarian nationality, who played for the full ethnic autonomy” several districts with a significant proportion of the Hungarian population, were persecuted. And then off we go. Massacre of the local government bodies. The riots were attended by ordinary citizens, dissatisfied with the decline in living standards. Harsh suppression of unrest sparked outrage across the country.

The Western media stir up the situation, counted the number of victims only in the area to 60 thousand people. Although the whole revolution in Romania was 1100 of 1400 killed and wounded on both sides. Ceausescu correctly assess what is happening: the riots are supported by the intelligence services of other countries that the purpose of these actions is to undermine the independence, integrity and sovereignty and to return the country in times of foreign domination, to liquidate the socialist achievements.

Captured by his own military on a makeshift Tribunal-the Tribunal of Nikolai and Elena Ceausescu were accused of destroying the national economy, the armed uprising against the people and the state, destruction of state institutions, and genocide. The sentence – the shooting. On the same day, 25 December 1989, Nicholas and his wife Elena Ceausescu was taken to the courtyard of the barracks, put up against the wall of soldiers ‘ restroom and shot. As it turned out, no Bank accounts abroad, the Ceausescu family had never translated beyond the state finances, what else and accused the family. Link http://www.aif.ru/society/history/rumynskiy_upryamec_kak_svergali_i_ubivali_nikolae_chaushesku

It took more than a quarter century and what has now become the former socialist Republic of Romania? In a pathetic puppet of the United States and the backyard of the European Union. Now the leadership of Romania in good standing with the West, they earned the status of “good guys”. And the Romanians still remember socialist country, nostalgic for her and remember the good “bad guy” according to the U.S. President Nicolae Ceausescu.

Now, when Americans are asked with the nuclear stuff to withdraw from Turkey after the failed coup to eliminate the “bad guy” of Recep Tayyip Erdogan, U.S. nuclear weapons can translate or has quietly transported from Turkey to Romania on the base Deveselu”. To enquire about this RIA Novosti news Agency the US state Department and the Pentagon simply refused to comment. Air base “Incirlik” lost to the USA and keep there nuclear warheads is not possible.

I am sure that would be Nicolae Ceausescu’s government in Romania today, he would not be a puppet for Washington, such as Petro Poroshenko. Now a no-brainer, why the need for all these American things-dryuchki “color” revolutions. Former allies in the Warsaw bloc steel wall under the command of the American corporal against Russia.

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