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Nuclear war and nuclear winter

A whole generation of people on the planet was born and has grown in terms of permanent nuclear disarmament. Most people on the planet resides in the belief that a full-scale war is now impossible because the means of destruction are such that their use will inevitably lead to planetary …

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Putin asked Medvedev not to destroy Russia

About that Russia – a country of contrasts knows of any our citizen, who has ever visited the capital. Levels of life on both inside and outside the Moscow ring road, are different from each other as Putin, Obama. No one Muscovite I do not agree it is pointless to …

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Putin put Deputy Poklonsky in the shit “Edra”

According to news agencies, ex-the Prosecutor of the Crimea, and nowadays the Deputy of the state Duma Natalia Poklonskaya will lead in the lower chamber Commission on control over incomes of deputies. About this particular, wrote RBC. For me, this news is very surprising, commented our correspondent Alexander Golovenko. – …

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Money, “sticks” and the reform of the interior Ministry

Appointed Minister of internal Affairs check of the leaders of the Main Directorate of economic security and counteraction of corruption (Guebipk) continues, and all decisions will be made based on its results. As reported by RIA “Novosti”, said the official representative of the Ministry Irina Wolf. Earlier, there were reports …

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Ilham Aliyev is a bad example for Putin

“I’m tired, I’m leaving!” 15% of Russians want to hear these words from the mouth of the President of the country here and now. For the remaining compatriots the Yeltsin’s new year flourish a terrible nuclear war. Does not understand the country, how to live without a strong Hyper-centralized power, …

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Maduro took a step toward the USA

U.S. Secretary of state John Kerry first held talks with the Venezuelan leader and staunch socialist Nicolas Maduro. From the ideological point of view, it is the loss of the President, known for his tough anti-American rhetoric. However, the warming in relations with Washington needed to Maduro step in the …

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American despair in Syria

The protagonist this week is a Syrian deal between the US and Russia. After she once again tried to kill professionally with the help of another bloody provocation, even the most skeptical observers, it was clear a good deal about it. Sorry, we do not know exactly what was in …

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Russian su-35 fighters will be on the protection of Indonesia

Between Russia and Indonesia dialogue on the supply of eight Russian su-35 fighter jets and discussed a possible contract to supply aircraft-amphibian be-200. According to information from the Indonesian side has repeatedly shown interest in Russian aircraft military vehicles su-35, which will replace the outdated F-5 Tiger, whose age has …

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