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Perfect neckline: exercises for a beautiful and firm Breasts

Идеальное декольте: упражнения  для красивой и подтянутой грудиMorning exercises for breast lift.

The proposed set of exercises will help to improve the shape of the female chest.

These exercises, of course, will not increase breast size, but it will help to make it more toned and elastic.

Useful for chest: push-UPS, breeding and dumbbell bench press from a prone position.

Remember: you need to train not only the pectoral muscles but also the entire muscular system – and press back.

When back in shape (and posture all the envy), the breast seems higher and more.

1. Sit on a stool or chair. The back should be straight, head proudly raised, bent at the elbow and hands raised at shoulder height. Slowly pull arms back, bringing together the blades and straining the chest muscles. Repeat 6-10 times.

2. Spreading his arms out to the sides at shoulder height, perform a circular motion – first small circles, then more and more, first forward, then back. Ensure that when rotating, the scale was large enough.

3. Fold brush together in front of chest, fingers to yourself. Try to lift hands with clasped hands as high as possible, and then slowly lower your arms and press towards the body.

4. Rest your hands in two stools or the bed and slowly, bending hands, lower body. Torso, and legs all the time straight, do not bend your back! Then return to your starting position. Repeat 10 times.

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