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People with problem skin age more slowly

Люди с проблемной кожей стареют медленнее British scientists came to an unexpected conclusion.

British researchers found that the skin which is predisposed acne in adolescence, the future looks much younger than owners of healthy skin. They believe that the dysfunctional cells of the skin have a genetic protection against ageing.

If your daughter or a teenage son suffering from acne on the face, you can to reassure them unattractive and oily skin today at a more Mature age will be the envy of their sversnikami. After all, while their former classmates will mourn the appearance of “crow’s feet” around the eyes and other wrinkles, their skin is likely to keep a youthful and healthy glow.

The British study showed that the cells of teenage acne are of particular DNA protection against aging in adulthood. Scientists studied the tiny structure in the form of caps on the ends of chromosomes , called telomeres, which protect the DNA in them from damage, as well as the end caps on the Shoe laces to prevent fraying. The researchers suggested that these structures work as a tiny biological clock – when telomeres become shorter as we get older, when they become very short, nenasyschennye cells simply die.

Previous studies have shown that men and women with long telomeres, typically, biologically younger, than the same age, but shorter. In General, telomeres are considered so important that the scientists that discovered them seven years ago was awarded the Nobel prize in medicine.

During the study measured telomeres in the white blood cells more than 1200 participants, a quarter of which were astragali from acne. While it was found that longer medicines were those who had problems with acne in adolescence. In addition, a cluster of genes involved in cell death was less active in people suffering from acne.

Dermatologists have noticed that the skin of patients with acne later becomes dry, thinned and wrinkled. Lead researcher Dr. Simon Ribero said: “Our results suggest that the reason may be related to telomere length, which appears to be different from acne sufferers, which means that their cells can be protected from aging.”

His co-author Dr. Veronique Bataille said: “longer telomeres may be one of the factors explaining the protection against premature aging of the skin in people who have previously suffered from acne. Previous studies have shown that adults with a large number of moles can also long to look younger than their years.”

In his opinion, further investigation of this genetic process can lead to the creation of a new anti-aging acne drugs and treatments.

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