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People of art have nothing to do in politics

Gazmanov severely humiliated in Lithuania over the Crimea

Людям искусства нечего делать в политике

Lithuanian customs officers refused to let the Russian singer Oleg Gazmanov, despite the presence of a Schengen visa.Conveys the BCH.

“I’m in Lithuania, in Vilnius airport. Despite my Schengen visa in the Schengen area according to EU rules no boundaries, I don’t let out of the airport,” wrote Russian in his Instagram on August 18.

He assures that the police are unable to officially explain the reasons for the refusal. Gazmanov surprised that in Lithuania, there is a list of undesirable persons from Russia.

“They say that the lists in advance can not be obtained and no notices are not sent and the reasons also do not explain, to his status of a citizen of Russia could only find in the airport upon arrival. Arrived and “turned down,” said the singer.

We will remind, in July 2014 Gazmanov along with several other Russian singers and actors were blacklisted by the Ministry of foreign Affairs of Latvia who “aggressively support” the annexation of Crimea. In addition, in December 2015 Gazmanov was included in the list of 83 public figures, threatening national security of Ukraine.

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