World of Tanks Blitz will join Steam

Gamers will soon be able to fill up you library multiplayer online game World of Tanks Blitz.Game developers promise a large number of tactical possibilities, realistic graphics and more than 200 well-known combat vehicles are divided into four classes: tank destroyers, light, medium and heavy tanks. Each of these has …

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In the Solar system a new planet

A dwarf planet is at a distance of about 91 astronomical units from the Sun. American scientists from the University of Michigan have discovered a new dwarf planet in the Solar system. Information about the observations of a celestial body available on the website of the International astronomical Union (IAU). …

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Popular recipes relieves cystitis

It turns out that there are methods of folk medicine, which may greatly reduce the uncomfortable symptoms of cystitis at home. Cystitis is considered a “female” disease, but they also can hurt men. Cystitis inflammation of the bladder, so the patient feels discomfort in the pelvic region and pain in …

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Russian Internet business sought protection from Chinese competitors

The members of the Association of companies the Internet-trade (AKIT) appealed to Russian authorities to equalize the conditions of doing Internet business for Russian and foreign companies. Otherwise, the AKITA is ready to create its infrastructure abroad, which will reduce tax revenues to the Federal budget, reported “Kommersant”. A letter …

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Tokyo was partially de-energized

Experts to investigate the cause large-scale blackout in the Japanese capital. More than 350 thousand houses to the West and North-West of Tokyo were left without electricity. According to the company-operator Tokyo Electric Power (TEPCO), the experts investigate the cause of the large-scale blackout in the Japanese capital. According to …

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Clinton significantly detached from the trump ranking

After the second debate, the democratic candidate received more of the electorate. Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton ahead of his rival Donald trump at eight percent popularity rating in the second round of the debate, according to the results of a joint poll by Reuters and Ipsos company. So, Clinton is …

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Compact hybrid ASUS Transformer Mini is already available

ASUS is preparing to start deliveries of its new mobile computer Transformer Mini T102HA, which opened today to accept pre-orders. The index of the model indicates a direct link from Т100НА, appeared to be very successful. In fact, it is the result of its evolution with new pieces of iron …

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