Beyonce decided to adopt a child

While it is unknown will adopt a pair of boy or girl. Beyonce and Jay Z are thinking about expanding the family in the near future to adopt a child. It is noted that the couple had already contacted a private adoption Agency. Remains unknown, it will be a boy …

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Nastasya Samburski presented the debut song at the concert of Viktor Drobysh In late September, the star of “Univer” 29-year-old Nastassja Samburski recorded their debut song “Bad boys”. Then, the actress has promised fans that she will sing to the public October 15 at the concert of Viktor Drobysh, which marks the anniversary. in Saint-Petersburg. Nastassja responsibly prepare for the …

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Toyota is Recalling 340 thousand hybrids

Worldwide would be recalled hybrid cars Toyota Prius. Toyota Motor Corp. recall around the world 340 thousand Prius hybrid cars because of a problem with Parking brake. The revocation will apply to cars released between August 2015 and October this year. Including the revocation shall be 210 thousand cars in …

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The power of darkness

Bloody maniacs on the throne is not uncommon. Nero, Caligula, Hitler, more recently, the African Emperor Bokassa a cannibal. We have Ivan the terrible. They are capable of anything. You can destroy your own city. Appoint anyone anyone. Mocking the foolishness: Caligula appointed his horse a Senator of the Roman …

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Buckwheat diet: a kilogram of excess weight every day

One of the fastest ways to lose weight endorsed by physicians. Ways to losing those extra pounds there is more than enough. Nutritionists have repeatedly advised all dieters to choose the safe diet. And so it is to carry buckwheat diet, it solves two problems at once — effective to …

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The operation began to sweep Mosul from ISIS

The city remains the last stronghold of ISIL in the country. In Iraq began the operation to liberate the city of Mosul in the North of the country from insurgents “Islamic state” (ISIS). This was in the night of Monday, October 17, reported live on Iraqi television, Prime Minister Haidar …

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The star of “Charmed,” said that was raped by the producer

American actress rose McGowan, known for his roles in the TV series “Charmed” and the films “planet terror” and “death Proof”, has joined the famous flash mob #WhyWomenDontReport (analogue of the Russian-speaking #Aboussafy), in which women openly talk on social networks about how forced acts of a sexual nature. The …

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