Home / Medicine / Oriental sweetness: 5 useful properties of persimmon

Oriental sweetness: 5 useful properties of persimmon

Восточная сладость: 5 полезных свойств хурмыThis delicious fall and winter fruit will please the whole body – from the skin to the intestine.

This fruit is referred to as a heart Apple.

And yet – the Chinese peach and date-plum. In summer find it is very difficult, but in winter almost all shops. Guess what it was? Of course, the persimmon.

Orange overseas guest loved not less the traditional new year’s mandarins.

Persimmon – Oriental sweetness

Homeland persimmon – China. From there, the habit to grow this Sunny fruit was given to the neighbors – the Japanese, and then spread throughout Southeast Asia. In Europe, the persimmon was introduced in the late 19th century.

The persimmon tree belongs to the family ebony is an evergreen plant with beautiful dark wood. Yes, those ebony trees that are used for making expensive furniture. But the main advantage of persimmon, of course, is its fruit. They ripen in autumn, so on the shelves persimmon appears in the end of October. Bright red fruit sun like adults and children: indeed, persimmons true Oriental sweet! Sugar taste her tender flesh is not comparable with any other fruit. And many fans persimmon look forward to the onset of late autumn to experience this taste again.

Tasty and healthy. Useful properties of persimmon

The Latin name for persimmon is “dyospiros” – translates as “food of the gods”. I understand why: it is not only very tasty but also very useful. Useful properties of persimmon is not inferior to the popular fruit.

First and foremost, persimmon helps with heart disease – because of this it was called “heart Apple”. The contained plant sugars (glucose, fructose) and potassium strengthen the heart muscle. The vitamin C and vitamin P protect blood vessels and are used for the prevention of cardiovascular disease.

The persimmon is a large amount of beta-carotene (provitamin A), as is clear from its bright orange color. Beta-carotene contributes to the preservation of youth and strengthens the sight. Now, in order to fight eye fatigue, do not have to swallow pills or chew on a carrot: it is enough to include in the diet of persimmons.

The magnesium contained in the persimmon, useful in renal diseases – it is opposed to the formation of kidney stones, and iodine – protects the thyroid gland.

Persimmon is rich in iron, so a must for women. It is known that every month the female body loses about 30 mg. of iron. The fruit makes up for its deficiency and prevents the development of anemia; helps with menstrual disorders associated with iron deficiency. Due to its useful properties of persimmon is recommended to use during pregnancy. It satisfies the body’s need not only in iron but also in calcium necessary for the formation of bone tissue of the child. And yet – the need for sweets, which is experienced by many expectant mothers.

Despite the benefits, some people to the kidneys must be treated with caution. So, patients with diabetes do not get involved in it because of the large number composed of glucose and sugars. You also need to observe moderation in eating persimmons for those who suffer from constipation or had surgery on the stomach or intestines. Tannin, which lends a tart taste to the persimmon fruit has a stabilizing effect.

Such a different persimmon

Hard to believe, but in the world there are more than 500 varieties of persimmon!

The Caucasian persimmon (common) – grows in the mountain regions of the Caucasus. She has small fruits with an astringent taste. If you once tasted a persimmon, I was disappointed by this fruit, you most likely caught the Caucasian persimmon. Astringency of the flesh, which is not lost even as they Mature – the distinguishing characteristic of this variety. Although many of the Caucasian persimmon like it as its not too sugary taste.

The fruit of the Japanese (Oriental) persimmon larger, than the Caucasian, – they reach 8-12 inches in diameter. To taste the fruit of the Japanese persimmon is very sweet and not tart, the flesh is quite dense, orange.

The most favorite kind of persimmon – Wren (chocolate persimmon). The name of this variety was due to the light brown (chocolate) color. Some even call this persimmon “chocolate pudding” – because the flesh is “the Wren” as gentle as the aforementioned dessert. By the way, chocolate persimmon knits even in an immature state.

When choosing persimmons, stop your choice on the fruit that are already soft to the touch. The leaves should be dark and dried, and the color of the fruit bright orange or light brown. The black specks say that the fruit has begun to deteriorate. Even if you bought the persimmons that are not ripe – do not worry. Just need to put it on some time in the freezer; fruit Matures quickly in the cold.

Psychologists in one voice say: you can play autumn-winter melancholy and depression, surround yourself with bright things. Persimmon is the best suited for this. When the winter sun disappears behind a snow cloud, your personal red sun, located on a plate will delight you and your home. And not only for its Sunny appearance, but also sweetness. And the best way to cheer up than to eat sweet, scientists have not yet invented!

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