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Onotole vs pokemon

Онотоле против покемонов

Anatoly Wasserman:

As far as I can tell, in the game pokemon scary that someone tricky to get photographs of classified objects. As a rule, most of these classified objects work people are quite sane, and it is unlikely they can easily peck at the proposal to send a camera that cannot show, and even if there is such a scumbag, it will immediately stop colleges. If at a secret facility working solid fools not familiar with the rules of secrecy and safety, the country, picked up a staff for such serious cases, to blame for everything that happened with her.

The main danger lies elsewhere, namely that there is an opportunity to collect at the right time in the right place a crowd of people interested in the game more than life. How vivopay such a crowd, we’ve seen the colored riots in Europe, a series of coups and rebellions, which its organizers called the “Arab spring”, although, according to their plan, she was to become the Arab fall — that is, full sunset and the collapse of the Arab world. Here it is this crowd of fools, willingly going there, where hung bright enough bait, this is the main danger pokemon.

I recall when just appeared on Moda flash mobs, many experts immediately said that technology is being developed mass upheaval and disorder. Then I laughed at it. And then shortly after the red revolt in Ukraine showed that over the 12 years from January 1992, when the Union collapsed, and until December 2004, when Auburn broke out a revolt, under the pretext of massive fraud in the presidential elections after Yanukovych (then later found out that the fraud was indeed an enormous scale, but not in favor of Yanukovych, and his opponent in this election — Yushchenko), and so, 12 years before the red rebellion, the United States of America has invested in diverse and raznostoronnie public organization in Ukraine of $ 2 billion. Moreover, it is necessary to take into account that it was $ 90, that is, in perscute our present money have this amount at least to double, or even triple. The tasks of these organisations were very diverse — all and not remember. But was in the training program for any organization, including this item: “development of technology of quick gathering of activists of the organization for the signal.” And when this signal appeared, on Independence square immediately the crowd of a few thousand (let’s say conventionally, people — and formed a crowd, and meetings were held, intended to create the impression of nation-wide protest against the legitimately elected President Yanukovych. These meetings then, of course, still needed to feed, needed to create occasions to hold the crowd, like a continuous rock concert for several days — by the way, in my opinion, the rock concert itself is a pretty good way to knock people out of the sane state. But the first condition for such a meeting is to collect passirovannye the crowd, especially because, as is well known to psychologists, the crowd is always much more stupid than those who gathered, and, accordingly, without the proven technology of flash mobs colored riots are just impossible.

Now there is a new tool to collect, even those who are not inclined to gather in a crowd. A flash mob requires a willingness still in advance to take in the atmosphere of “senseless crowd”, as once put it “our all”. But now, thanks to this most pokemon (and probably in the future some other tools, augmented reality), it is possible to draw in the crowd, even those who under other circumstances never would have in her snooping. Therefore, in my opinion, the pokemon are much more dangerous than previous means of turning people in the crowd.


Here!! How many times have you said that in all the Maidan, the main concern of the organizers is to gather at one time in one place the first thousand, and there is a trick: a provocation, a random shot and rushed.

Pokemon – yeah, wittily conceived.


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