Home / Money / On the bill in 2000 rubles, the Russians want Stalin!

On the bill in 2000 rubles, the Russians want Stalin!

На купюре в 2000 рублей россияне хотят видеть Сталина!

Users of social networks knows what or whom would you like to see on a new bill in 2000 rubles – which will be in 2017, the Central Bank printing. According to 23% of active subscribers Vkontakte, with two-thousand money, the Russians must watch Joseph Stalin.

Previously, the Central Bank said that the design of banknotes in 200 and 2000 rubles will be chosen by the Russians – now we only know that the banknote 200 rubles is to “portray the views of Crimea” and on the bill in 2000 rubles ironic Internet users “saw” the Vladivostok (thinking of the song “Vladivostok 2000”).

The users were asked the question “What or whom would like to see on the bill?”. The second popularnosti response was “Why do these 2000 need, when there are 1 and 5 thousand rubles?”. Further users supported option “, the legendary symbol of any city” – by analogy with those cities and characters that are already printed on Russian banknotes. They, for example, can be a recognizable silhouette of the same main building of Moscow state University or the Ostankino tower, Chizhik-Pyzhik in St. Petersburg, etc.

На купюре в 2000 рублей россияне хотят видеть Сталина!

Another user has offered to print on the bill the “veterans” posterity will not forget the heroism of their ancestors, and even the President of Russia “as a historical figure”.

Option same with famous actors, musicians, writers special popularity not earned. However, in the free part of the questionnaire were offered a “bridge to Crimea”, Sevastopol, the silhouettes of the “worker” and “farmer”.

Even the inhabitants of the social networks would like to see on the banknotes of the king, the symbols of the Russian Empire and liberated Russia of the ancient Palmyra. By the way, Russians are increasingly expressing their support for the personality of Joseph Stalin and approve of his policies, according to a December survey of “Levada-center”.

На купюре в 2000 рублей россияне хотят видеть Сталина!

Interestingly, a poll in social networks, including among young people showed that overall, 87% expressed the need and support for the installation of monuments to Stalin in Moscow and in the streets of their cities.

In this regard, it makes sense to remember the words of Sovietologist and Professor Kyle Dawson.“Now Russia is in clear and unprecedented hostile environment and such a request for a clear assertion of foreign policy interests, tough on the urgent establishment and development of the economy, industry, technology”,

На купюре в 2000 рублей россияне хотят видеть Сталина!

– earlier said the Western expert, in an interview Politonline.ru. According to my old, “the growing popularity of Stalin is a request not on the “black ravens” and denunciations, and on the proverbial “strong hand”, the hard decision of problems of corruption, it is the expectation of a tough geopolitical decisions”.

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