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Officials propose to install cameras in the operating

Чиновники предлагают установить камеры в операционных

The resonant draft law was submitted to the state Duma for consideration. To increase the responsibility of doctors, officials propose to record the operations carried out under General anesthesia.

Not the first time the state Duma suggest to record on video the progress of surgeries and then on-demand give them to patients or patients ‘ relatives. The bill about modification in FZ “About bases of health protection of citizens in the Russian Federation” is under consideration in the state Duma.

The proposal was made by deputies from-for the become frequent cases of medical errors, according to statistics, every year during abdominal operations in patients forget about three thousand foreign objects, of course it’s not advertised, but it happens. Shocking enough to remember, made a lot of noise in the case of the forgotten 2 meter sheets in the cavity of the abdomen of the woman after caesarean section.

Deputies believe that the video of the surgical intervention will increase the responsibility of doctors and hold them to account in case of negligent attitude to patients.

“It is proposed to conduct recording operations only with the prior permission of the patient, in urgent cases, consent may give close relatives or the chief doctor of the medical institution. The record will be available to law enforcement agencies upon request, patients or relatives of the patient and to the higher medical institutions”, – stated in the bill.

Recall that in 2014, the MPs offered to give the right of patients to video recording of medical interventions, but then the bill was not adopted. Questions: how will the operation be recorded, who will decipher the correct actions of the surgeons in cases of dispute, and the question is who will Finance such innovations in medical institutions.

“We are not afraid that during operations will be removed something what you get to know the patients. We do not understand how to implement this project”, – commented the law the surgeon of the Omsk BSMP-2 Anatoliy Kalinichenko.

“Let’s start with the fact that modern medicine is increasingly used in endoscopic surgery. New technologies allow even complex surgeries without abdominal autopsies. In such cases the video is carried out automatically, thanks to modern equipment. To carry out video recording of each transaction must be specifically equipment room (clinic), but if you require all hospitals to carry out shooting, it just ruin them,” says Victor Kosenok, surgeon-oncologist of Regional Oncology center.

It is known that the current bill has already been criticised by MPs and professionals in the medical field, but time will tell what will decide in the state Duma.

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