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Obama tired of being President.

Обама устал быть президентом.

“President Obama spent a few minutes with my daughter as communications Director Jen Psaki,” — said in the caption to the photo published on the website Barackphotos.

Published in Facebook of the White house photograph of U.S. President Barack Obama, where he crawls across the carpet with the baby as communications Director of the White house, Jennifer Psaki, very puzzled American users of social networks.

“Obama, you have to be a nurse. You have no business in the White house. Look, you made America the weakest country in the world. When you leave the White house in 2017, go to be employed in a nurse. America is not a child. No wonder you couldn’t take care of her,” writes the user Fotune Alina Jim.

“Meanwhile, Russian fighters flying at 10 feet (about 3 meters. — RT) over the American military ships,” — said another subscriber of the White house page in Facebook, referring to the flight of the Russian su-24 over the destroyer USS Donald Cook in the Baltic sea.

“Yes, he can compete only with children. That’s all he’s capable of,” says the user under the nickname Bastian Salvador.

“Univisa, univisa, bombing Syrian kids and claiming love for children. Fake world in which we live,” says Joe Paparipa.

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