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Obama doesn’t trust Putin in the Syrian issue

Обама не доверяет Путину в вопросе СирииObama has questioned Russia’s commitment to ceasefire in Syria.

President Barack Obama does not trust Russian President Vladimir Putin in the context of solving the Syrian problem.

In particular, this Obama said during a speech at a press conference at the Pentagon. As the journalist writes Politico Tyler Pager, Obama spoke sternly about his Russian counterpart and warned that it expects Russia’s assistance to de-escalate the violence.

Otherwise, Moscow will prove by their behavior that it is an “irresponsible actor”, “supporting a murderous regime,” quoted material of the American edition of Interpress.

“I’m not sure we can trust the Russian side or to Vladimir Putin, so we need to check whether we will be able to achieve a real cessation of hostilities, which would include termination of the air bombing, civilian casualties and destruction that we see perpetrated by the Assad regime”.

Read also: Russia and the separatists must lay down arms and not to intimidate Ukraine – Obama
In this context, Obama will expect that Russia will become a partner in helping to improve the situation in Syria.

“There are some determining factors that we expect to cooperate with Russia not only in the field of deconfliction, which we are now engaged, this means (right – Ed.) Forbearance on the part of the regime, which is not yet evident”, – he said.

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