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Nothing is free

Бесплатного ничего не бывает

I’m terrified that 30 years after the Soviet Union still repeat this nonsense about “free”.

1. Economically, we pay for everything tenfold just through the incredibly low standard of living of the entire population, except for the nomenclature, that is, 0.5-1 million 250 – then 99.5% of the population of the USSR. The fact that the salary was ridiculous – only a small fraction of this robbery and pay for multiple “free”.

2. We do not pay nedopushchenie money we paid at all incomparable – constant fear, lies, abomination of doublethink, a complete lack of freedom and prospects. People have even forgotten what “normal life”, and the fact of having to explain that “without freedom and dignity, even the genuine free of charge – is absolutely meaningless and have a free meal in prison – a terrible testimony to the Communist catastrophe of consciousness and life poloveckogo person.

3. This “gratuity” paid at least 40 million dead and at least 40 million innocent who was imprisoned in the Gulag.

How I am ashamed of Russians with their pride for “free” in the USSR, is how to lose the last selfesteem and a sense of minimal human dignity, how we must be completely devoid of minimum understanding of the truth of the bloody, bloody and besmirched the history of the Bolshevik dictatorship over Russia, to talk about this cynical “free”!

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