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Not to play someone else’s game


How does the imposition of a foreign agenda?

There are people of different levels of conformity, different levels of culture, different level of mind. There are very decent, very dishonest and a lot of shades of gray in the middle. The same with the mind. Same with culture, from the refined intellectual to the complete thieves.

A huge propaganda machine is arranged so that it mobilizes, including people, though not the highest level, but not complete trash. Though sometimes full enough to say a few decent words, as a protest audience watering it with tears of emotion: “How people grow!”. Yes, and that surprised? The audience is ours too, because is not one of the seers with crystal pure soul.

Now, when polonowita-polypolar begins to announce any next provlasnuyu nonsense, such as the need to have in Parliament, Gudkov not two, but three (the steam came out better), or about the sacredness of the Crimea, or about the ban on certain forms of resistance, instead of directly tell the speaker that he’s talking rubbish, there are people a little higher level of intelligence and/or decency, who are beginning seriously to discuss a particular power wiring.

And the government nothing more is necessary. Just to bring the topic of originally meaningless, in the circle of the discussion. To do this, she is “suffering” (and in fact abhors, of course, and feeding) special media channels “wiring” most likely to “divorce” intellectuals. To do this, delegates in protest of their representatives.

If I begin to name names, the wave of reader outrage is not the limit: the list will get almost all, without exception, promoted the “protest leaders”. Among them are really intelligent people, which provoke a discussion with them have the smartest and most honest. Well, in actual fact, who would dare to throw N. N. in person, that he is a silly git and to talk to him for an honest man in any way possible, as this conversation is, albeit the most critical and revelatory, and will only legalize a lie? Who on a dare?

Now look at the results. Well, at least in this most Central not to protest Russia the question of how the war with Ukraine. Quietly LDNR (not to be confused with North Korea) appreciated the name of the separatists. It’s like the most abusive. They are, however, the Ukraine and even called terrorists, but it is as far from reality as the separatists. Yes, what are they separatists? For pity’s sake! Whether they are separatists, most wise,that could make the Ukraine – to negotiate their secession. Want to separate – a flag in hands. Let’s talk about the procedure. So no! There is no separatism. I’d like to see the commercials in 2012, a resident of Donetsk, who dreams to secede from Ukraine. No separatists. And there are collaborators, accomplices of the aggressor state. What to do with them – a separate issue. But this issue today is not. Because of Russia waging war against Ukraine to the bitter end, not knowing whose it will end this victorious end.

Internal Affairs. And here all the same. The substitution of the real questions are designed, planted by the authorities. Yes, though the same question of peaceful or non-peaceful protest. There is this question and can not be until the protest will not be strong, that is crowded and active, energetic. There is no question of elections, as in Russia there is no democracy. There is a fake. Someone wrote today that we don’t eat apples from papier-mache, so why argue whether to vote for Apple. The whole benefit of these elections is that they allow you to declare loudly that, no, they are not elections. It’s bullshit, to put intelligent, hard words.

Our agenda is very simple. The necessary parallel civil structures. United by the ideas of reconstruction of society on a fundamentally new basis. You must understanding these reasons and their propaganda, including the propaganda effect. And of course, you must expose not only a grotesque lie Tolstoy-Kiseleva, but it also almost never lie dozens like decent and like intelligent people.

But doing such revelations, we must remember that we must not be distracted. And so we have very limited human resources.

And the main task today – this resource increase.

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