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“North” to protect the Arctic

"Север" защитил Арктику

Start “Bulava” was part of the most ambitious in the history of doctrines in the Arctic.

The defense Ministry has successfully completed a unique two-month teaching, during which military repel air strikes, drones and cruise missiles, conventional enemy from the Barents sea to Chukotka, and then struck back, including an Intercontinental missile “Bulava”. In large-scale maneuvers were involved ships, submarines, strategic and long-range bombers, fighters, anti-aircraft complexes s-300, s-400 and Pantsir”, as well as motorized infantry and Marines.

The objective of the exercises was to check readiness of units and formations of the joint strategic command North (jrd North) for the protection of Northern regions of Russia from various threats, ranging from a massive missile and air strikes likely opponent and ending with the landing of troops and reconnaissance and sabotage groups, — told “Izvestia” a source in the defense Ministry, is directly involved in planning and executing unique maneuvers. Also were checked the entire military infrastructure in the Arctic. In addition to the USC “North”, the exercise involved the forces and means of aerospace defence forces of Russia from other regions, including long-range aircraft. All the tasks during the exercise were fulfilled and the result considered a success.

As noted by the interlocutor of “Izvestia”, the exercises were divided into a headquarters and a practical part.

— Originally held command and staff exercises, during which the General staff and commanders of the USC “North” worked on maps” (without the involvement of personnel and military equipment. — “News”) with the staffs and commanders of brigades, divisions and regiments different problems, — said the representative of the military. But there was also conducted a real firing, rocket launches, including winged. Ships and submarines out to sea, the aircraft struck a training goal, and the marine corps and motorized infantry units went to landfills, where it fulfilled all their goals, including live-fire.

According to “Izvestia”, large-scale exercises in the North began in late July of this year. The plan of maneuvers were quite simple. In the first stage the enemy was attacked by aircraft, cruise missiles and drones from the Barents sea, Chukotka and across the North pole. Some time later, the enemy ships attempted to break through toward the Northern sea route, simultaneously landed troops and reconnaissance and sabotage groups.

In turn, the Russian military was not only to protect important sites, but also to inflict maximum damage. The su-27, su-35 and MiG-31 with the support of the anti-aircraft systems s-300 and s-400 air defense missile-gun “Shell” was hit by enemy aircraft. Coastal missile complexes with anti-ship missiles and submarines to destroy enemy ships, motorized infantry and Marines were blocked by enemy troops and killed the terrorists.

The next stage of the exercise of the USC “North” with the support of long-range aircraft have struck at enemy targets. The sea came, the naval group led by the flagship of the Northern fleet nuclear-powered missile cruiser “Peter the Great”, which has carried out launches of cruise missiles.

After some time to naval colleagues joined the crews of strategic bombers Tu-95MS and Tu-160 long-range aviation also started the destruction of the enemy. At the same time and units of Marines and infantry troops eliminated the remnants of enemy troops.

The culmination of the second phase was the launch on September 27 Intercontinental ballistic missile “Bulava” on Board the strategic submarine “Yury Dolgoruky” in the far Eastern Kura range. One of the two Intercontinental missiles successfully hit the target, and the second self-destructed.

According to military historian Dmitry Boltenkova, Russian Federation in recent years has deployed in the Arctic is a unique military forces, capable of solving a wide range of tasks.

Even during Soviet times, between the Barents sea and Chukotka were not so powerful grouping of air defense systems, warships, submarines, strike aircraft, infantry brigades and marine units — told Boltenkov. — So far, neither the USSR nor Russia had no experience of the defense of the North of the country from a massive attack of the enemy, equipped with high-tech tools including drones and cruise missiles. Recent years, the Ministry of defense not only created a unique Arctic infrastructure, but also learned to protect the North of Russia. Current doctrine has allowed not only to check the work done, but also to determine further ways of development of the Russian Arctic group.

The USC “North” was officially formed on 1 December 2014. The command — from Murmansk to Anadyr. In the “North” includes the Northern fleet (24 nuclear submarines, six of diesel, a few dozen ships, including the aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov and nuclear-powered cruiser “Peter the Great”), 80-I and 200 infantry brigades and several divisions of antiaircraft defense. Soon USC will be enriched by several regiments of fighters and bombers.

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