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Nine tips for a slim belly without workouts and diets

Девять советов для стройного живота без тренировок и диетThese tips will help you have a beautiful flat stomach now, without dieting and exercise.

Spring is in full swing and summer will come just a few weeks, so on the slim figure you need to take care now. How to make your tummy flat and beautiful with 9 ways.

When you stand or sit — do it with a straight back. Our muscles are arranged so that straight back responsible not only back muscles but also the press. When your spine straight, your stomach training to get involved. If the self is to control your posture you can’t ask for help from friends and colleagues who will remind you about it. You can also leave yourself reminders in the form of small plates on the table with the word “straighten up”.

Dehydration leads to the accumulation of water in the body. Your swelling and body fat are directly related to the fact that your body does not believe that tomorrow you will not kill his thirst. Interesting fact: the humps of camels, reserving for these animals moisture for long transitions, are made up of fatty tissue.

Your belly size depends on your motility. Simply put, the less you pee, the more you have chronic constipation. The correct treatment of one’s own intestines means that you go to the toilet every time when you feel the urge and not wait to “home”.

Don’t eat at the computer or TV. Try to chew food at least 10 times. Do not overload yourself digesting the fact that you are not chewed. Plus, a quick absorption of food leads to swallowing of air into the stomach. All together leads to flatulence and bloating.

Eat probiotics: kefir, natural yogurt and acidophilus. This greatly facilitates the digestion and assimilation of food.

Pass a day at least 30 minutes. Well-known tips that you can just stop using the Elevator and on the way to work or home walk the extra two or three stops.

When chewing gum is swallowing air into the stomach. If you need to freshen breath, use lozenges or sprays for oral cavity.

Add to your diet foods rich in vitamin D and vitamins of group B. They affect the production of hormones responsible for fat burning. Simple pills will not help, because vitamin supplements in the form of drugs absorbed worse, say doctors.

When you are under stress, they begin more and more often. In addition, during times of stress is increased production of the hormone cortisol (responsible for fat deposits in the abdominal area. In the complex way our body tries to protect the internal organs from the external environment.

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