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Nika Strizhak: between silence and say I choose the latter

Ника Стрижак: между молчать и говорить я выбираю последнее

Most often beautiful women on Russian television has speakers or run your own programmes on the age-old problems of family, education of children, creativity or fashion. Any program with a woman’s face, deviating from this principle, is considered much more critical than those in which “talking head” is male. Especially if it focuses on politics or Economics. Finest hour Svetlana Sorokina or Marianna Maksimovskaya occurred in the 90-ies, with the purchase of all “Gazprom-Media” they had to abandon work on the Central channels, so as not to turn into obedient propagandists of the party and government. Anna Politkovskaya is murdered.

Now in TV you can see not one pumped full of Botox and silicone face. And his name is Nika Strizhak. She is often blamed for poor diction and avoiding controversial topics. From the author of the program “Open Studio”, she refused. Why is no one ever explained. So who is it: “Pro-Putin stooge”, or the man who tries honestly to do their job, but not willing to risk for the sake of his life, who had to make the tough rules of the game?

“Prominent women in journalism big little”

Nika Strizhak – native resident of Leningrad, she was born Here and grew up in the same city, graduated with honors from philological faculty of the state University. She was lucky it happened just at the time when the country has been declared Perestroika and Glasnost. On television, in Newspapers and magazines, people started to come earlier far from this sphere of activity. A young journalist took place in stages from music programs on local radio, publications in the local newspaper “Change”, through an internship on the TV and in the newspaper “Washington Times” to full-time employee GTRK “Petersburg – 5 channel”. In 1999 she became the winner of the Grand Prix competition of professional skill “Golden pen”, many times awarded the title “person of the year of St. Petersburg”.

The level of popularity, it “Random” or “Dialogues”, alas, could not go to any comparison with “600 seconds of Alexander Nevzorov, but when she became a full-fledged host “Open Studio”, Strizhak could not afford to refuse, so often, to invite the legendary controversial journalist to his live shows, what has often come under attack from religious patriots of all stripes.

“To discuss serious topics need a male character”

“Open Studio” thanks to raise topical issues, open dialogue with the audience, including random passers-by there are already more than a dozen years, quickly outgrew the regional level and popular in different parts of Russia. The name of this programme has had a Studio in St. Petersburg, which is located on the first floor of the building at the address: street Italian, d. 27, and is almost entirely glazed space. The camera is often transferred to the Windows from floor to ceiling: there on the sidewalk there are always people who are watching the process of filming what is called “live”. Nika Strizhak was the best advertisement for this program for 10 years. Its too aggressive for women manner of dialogue with the interlocutor, sharp follow-up questions, the desire not to retouch, and stick out the problems under discussion often led to the fact that the discussion spilled beyond the allotted airtime.

So, in 2011, in anticipation of the next holiday of the great victory in the “Open Studio” has met Alexander Nevzorov, Michael Weller, Yuri Polyakov and the representative of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. It was a question of what patriotism is more evident: in geared for every ledge of St. George ribbons or in the daily assistance to veterans, which, alas, have very little. Some of the findings regarding the opposition of love for the country, with the country and to the state which expends paid by citizens taxes, to the implementation of the ideas, which are not all accepted, was debated for a long time in various print media, and echoes of this are heard to this day.

Here were passionate debate between the atheists and the Holy fathers, about the architectural appearance of the Northern capital, about censorship in the media, about what it means to be Russian or to be a Russian and many others.

“We are very different, even different consumed information”

In the fall of 2015 Nika Strizhak unexpectedly left an “Open Studio”. Mindful of how disappeared off the TV Marianna Maksimovskaya, people panicked, but a familiar voice soon appeared in the weekly news program “Main”. With the change of the lead stories have become sharper, they appeared peculiar Strizhak sarcasm. However, the audience began to note that the position of the beloved journalist has become more politically reconciled, she stopped to allow multivalued interpretations of what is happening. Somewhere it was no doubt, but somewhere just not understood, or not understood as intended.

Many liberal-minded citizens last year were outraged by the material of Niki Strizhak, inspired by the speech of the Polish Minister of foreign Affairs, who proposed to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the end of world war II in Moscow, and somewhere in Paris or in London. Then Sunday the program “home” as he could pulled back, and offered to throw the Russian military parade in any capital, until overseas. Well, as it was different to remind you that on may 9 Russia celebrates victory in the great Patriotic war, it is primarily important for us? And 2 Sep celebrate anywhere, even in Antarctica. Why Troll on the Internet is fine, but sarcasm on TV, no one does not want to see?

Yes, TRK Petersburg – channel five” is a media group owned by “Bank of Russia” Yuri Kovalchuk, a close friend of the President of Russia. But that is no reason to leave the workplace: the TV channel “Rain” and radio “Echo of Moscow” simply unable to accommodate all who can’t afford to just keep quiet.

In principle, Nika Strizhak, considers it natural that the private TV channels rigidly draws a line that is pleasing to the major shareholders. The channel will simply cease to receive funding, and its journalists – salary, if they are not “pleasing the boss”. However, she, the journalist and presenter with extensive experience, thinks that with the development of Internet broadcasting Central channel will still have to change, as they will lose the audience that is in constant search, with adequate knowledge about what is happening in the country and the world to believe one single truth.

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