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New Russian bronovil “the Punisher” scared the West

Новый российский бронемобиль "Каратель" напугал Запад

Foreign media have compared the armored car with the Batmobile

Photos of the new Russian armoured vehicles with a terrifying name “the Punisher”, developed for special units of the Federal Security Service (FSB), scared the West.

Foreign media called the armored “tank Putin” and compare it with batmobiles. According to them, up to 10 units are placed back to back in branchline and fire through the loopholes. In addition, “the Punisher” armored to the sixth class of protection. This implies protection against armor-piercing incendiary bullets SVD sniper rifle fired from a distance of 5-10 meters.

“The armored car “the Punisher” is specially designed for the Russian special services. This car would be proud of, and Bruce Wayne (Batman),” writes The Daily Star.

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