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Never fight with a Russian

Никогда не воюйте с русскими

Western people are accustomed to seeing the current world as it shows Hollywood and the colorful pictures of the American – European textbooks. This world is very visual, simple, clear and directly declare a well-defined and edited interpretation of events.

So the Europeans imposed, that the”center of the world” on the Eurasian continent is Europe, and civilization is concentrated exclusively within the borders of the European Union. Russia in this world given the role of the peripheral margin, of little interest to the far Eastern territories with unpredictable behavior, and the wild population.

A native European, and seventy years had not seen any conflicts simply accustomed to perceive the world, how he described him:

Russia, located on the outskirts of Mira, its size, customs, and traditions, unknown to him, and achieve extremely doubtful.

Unlike us, it is often justified by driven into childhood model of the world order and the promotion of the country of residence of our citizens in ignorance of their own country similar to justify.

Anyway, the first foreigners to really discover Russia tend to be tourists and people visiting our country for whatever needs personally. It’s starts usually with the first sight of these people on a detailed world map represented without distortion, and we have to admit, this awareness rarely goes for them unemotionally.

Никогда не воюйте с русскими

The same applies to residents of the United States, where the borders of the 50 States, not many have an idea that is beyond their territorial limits. Given the current cards on which the American learns to perceive the world, as well as a huge degradation of the educational system, this fact should not seem especially surprising.

Никогда не воюйте с русскими

On the contrary, genuine surprise can be observed in the process discover some indigenous Europeans and Americans from world maps in the scale, and almost tangible the process of breaking well-established in their heads template.

Никогда не воюйте с русскими

But nodding to the other, it is worth noting that many of our compatriots is not too occupied themselves with learning the facts about the fundamental aspects of our country and the faces that make Russia unique.

One hundred and ninety-peoples, the area covering the Eastern part of Europe and Northern Asia, 11.5 percent of the planet, 12 seas and 3 ocean bathes its borders, more than a thousand rivers and about 2 million lakes – all this is our homeland.

Russia borders with 18 countries (Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, China, Mongolia, North Korea, Japan and the United States), and thus has the longest border in the world, representing about 60,000 km, given all this, our President rightfully said to foreign journalists his famous and spread all over the world words.

Никогда не воюйте с русскими

Russia covers a huge territory that stretches from West to East almost 9,000 km, dividing the country into 11 time zones. So when in the European part of our country residents enjoy the sunset, the far East is just beginning the day.

Given the total area of the country at 17 075 400 square kilometers, it may be concluded that it is in 1, 8 times more than the United States of America. Moreover, the shock in Europe and America, of course is new for him, the fact that the area of Russia more surface area of the well-known Pluto.

It is unlikely that You will believe if you’d like, even given that it is true. But if you really want to surprise the American, we remind him that the distance between the two countries is not thousands, and only 4 kilometers.

This fact may seem to him more absurd than parallel with Pluto. Meanwhile, the distance between the American island of Krusenstern in the Bering Strait and Russian island Ratmanov is just a minor distance.

But if you finally determined to “finish” the average American, then tell him the simple truth, that Russia has proclaimed the equal rights of men and women two years earlier than did the USA. In Russia, women’s suffrage was granted in 1918 year, while in the United States only in 1920.

Also it would not be superfluous to hint that unlike “civilized” Western-style countries, Russia has never known slavery. The period most fully expressed form of feudal dependence, serfdom in Russia was shorter than in England and most of Europe. Thus serfdom in Russia, had a much more mild form. But even if you get absolutely dogmatic minded American claiming that slavery they and serfdom we have the same thing, feel free to parry, because Russia abolished serfdom in 1861, as the United States abolished legal slavery only in 1865. The template will be destroyed completely.

Silence accompanies the discovery of Antarctica and the light of the circumstances in the programmes of international media, the type of Columbus, attributed to the same reasons – 16 Jan 1820 Antarctica discovered our compatriots, the Russian expedition of Thaddeus Bellingshausen and Mikhail Lazarev. And the coverage of such “Russian” achievements of mankind are under the outside transparent taboo is not the first year.

I must say that the history of Tetris, was a surprise even to me. The person who believes that this computer game came to us from abroad. However, it appeared not there, namely in our country. “Tetris”called the most famous game in the world was not created in Japan, or the United States and the Russian programmer Alexey Pajitnov in 1985 in Soviet Union. This game became popular in Soviet Russia and only then, in 1986, the year in the West.

We have a lot to learn about their own country, and it is always worth to look at it with open eyes.

After all, without the absurd stories about the beach, one of our neighbors which simply have nothing to be proud of, we have the right to be proud of the many unique achievements of our state and the Russian citizen.

Scientists from Russia invented the light bulb, television, the electron microscope, helicopter, bomber, video, crawler tractor, color photo, model of an artificial heart, the gasoline engine, harvesting machine, the automatic, electric welding, synthetic rubber, coal gas mask, aerobatics, radio, turbodrill, spotlight, automatic telephone station, the periodic system of chemical elements, an electric submarine, engine heat, synthetic detergents, coal combine, the heart-lung machine, mortar, electric motor, a parachute and many other useful things.

In Russia, laid the foundations of the theory of higher nervous activity, theory of aerodynamics, the method of surgical treatment of glaucoma, isotope Geochemistry, evolutionary physiology, crystallography, evolutionary embryology, chemistry of Organoelement compounds, seismology, electroforming and many other scientific disciplines.

And the Russian culture, and to this day has an enormous global weight, despite all attempts to silence the world’s media this circumstance.


Because let’s say, the Russian Hermitage – is one of the largest and most ancient of the world’s museums in the world. There are three million works of art from the stone age to the present. If given to each of these works one minute, it will take over 25 years to examine the exhibits for 8 hours a day to see them all. At the same time, the Russian Public library is the largest in Europe and second in the world after the Library of Congress.

But all that is reported in the international press, is the fact that Russia regularly takes first place in various rankings of the least friendly countries in the world in person, but even this moment in addition to the propaganda, is associated with differences of cultural codes of our peoples. In Russian schools children are not taught to smile for no reason, breaking the nature of man, on the contrary in our country, the weight is only a sincere smile and hospitality coming from the heart. In fact, the Russians are friendly and always willing to help a foreigner, sometimes risking their own lives. To do anything, not to pretend to do something – it’s in Russian.

Today for anybody not a secret that the Constitution of Russia in 1993, wrote not citizens of our state. A certain number of bookmarks and deliberate sabotage inherent in certain of its articles, made consciously and according to the order of certain foreign curators. Many of her dangerous items, today managed to reverse, without changing the Constitution itself, some continue to create problems for the country to this day.

In particular, it is deliberately concerned such acute problem for Russia, as the national. So, the Russian Federation consists of 8 Federal districts, which are divided into 83 regions of the Federation, including 21 national republics. Although the Republic is only 28,6 % of Russian territory, and live in them for 16.9% of the population, each of these republics enshrined in the Constitution exclusively for the titular ethnic group of the Republic. At the same time, despite the fact that the basis of the people, 83% of Russia’s population are ethnic Russians, in the current Constitution of the Russian Federation no mention of the Russian people there. Absolutely. This legal “incident” not accidental, and is one of the most urgent political problems of the Russian Federation created artificially, but sooner or later, and it will be resolved.


Yes, we have problems. Indeed, not all of them caused by the actions of our enemies, in many of its difficulties, we are guilty. But this is OUR problem, and our state. Non-Western world is living from genocide to genocide to teach our country how we should live. Unlike our problems, all the successes which we have achieved, was achieved by our hands, not the bones, blood and slave labor of the peoples robbed as the well-being of the Western States, and the conscience and contribution of each citizen to build his own great country.

The patriotism and will to rebirth of new, Friendly Russia today once again captures the hearts of Russian citizens. And no matter what pressure is caused by this fact, the most rebellious nation on earth, once again habitually spreads its mighty wings and habitually refuses to be in whose whatsoever control.

Our enemies would like to wish one never to forget spelled out in the genetic code of our people rule who to us with sword come, that perish by the sword.

In the meantime, let them do their favorite thing, flailing menacingly puffed out his cheeks, and declare angry speech in the media, that is, let them behave exactly as well as thirty-six years ago, when…

In 1980 the Swedish Navy found coming from the water column strange sounds, the source of which they declared Soviet submarines. When it was ready to ignite a diplomatic conflict between the USSR and Sweden, a civilized monarchy, scientists found that zapelengovali sounds produce a farting fish. For this discovery, scientists were awarded the parodic IG Nobel peace prize, and the Swedish Navy, good-natured laughter of the Russian military sailors are actually tracking at the moment for the Swedish fleet, which so enthusiastically, almost in full force hunted under the supervision of Soviet submarines over the farting fish…

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