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Neck pain can indicate lung cancer

Боль в шее может свидетельствовать о раке лёгкихAlmost 80% of the pain associated with discomfort in the back, may indicate cervical osteochondrosis.

The philosophy of the East says that the neck is a “facilitator, connecting the mind and the flesh.” Western doctors explain the appearance of pain in the cervical spine other, more scientific reasons. But do not deny that the problems in this division appear very often. What are the diseases of the neck of the person can face and what to pay attention, writes the Chronicle.Info with reference to MedInfo.

All that is hidden

The neck is a very important part of the overall system of the human body. Through the neck are the major arteries, including the vertebral, carotid and spinal cord. In addition, there is also the larynx, the esophagus begins, there is a network of lymph vessels and nodes, nerve roots and trunks, providing a reflex connection with the arms, heart and lungs. The neck muscles take an active part in nodding his head, turns it from side to side and shrug in wonder.

If a failure occurs in at least any part of the neck, it will immediately affect its functioning as a whole. The result in humans can result in such symptoms as headache, sleep disturbance up to a prolonged lack of sleep, ringing in the ears and pain in the shoulders.

This happens for the reason that even with a small tension in the neck muscles circulation occurs, begins dehydration, leading to thinning of the cartilage discs located between the vertebrae. They are shock absorbers that protect the vertebrae from pressure on each other, and with the thinning of the edges of the vertebrae closer together, is pinched nerve roots, resulting in severe pain occurs.

What’s the problem

Traditionally, when talking about neck disease, mean low back pain. Actually the various conditions that cause discomfort and the inability to turn the head to the side quite a lot.

For example, these issues may begin against injury. If there was a blow on the neck or some other effect on it, there is a risk of fracture and displacement of the cartilage between the vertebrae, which leads to the approximation of the vertebrae and even their abrasion.

No less dangerous to the cervical of the human body and various immune disorders. Rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, Reiter’s syndrome and rheumatic polymialgia — all this causes a serious pain in the neck.

Its effects and infection, affecting blood vessels and organs of the neck. So, for example, pains in the neck can become osteomyelitis, tuberculosis, under which the failure occurs and the defeat of the bones and the tissues around them, lymphadenitis, malaria, tetanus, meningitis, which lead to the disruption of blood flow, cause inflammation.

The presence of tumors in the neck also causes the development of serious pain. Because of the tumor, increasing in size, lead to compression of the nerve roots, and by displacement of the vessels, and even the displacement of the bodies.

When the pain is not there

Often, a sore neck can in the so-called principle of reflection. In this case, painful sensations appear, if marked:

– heart diseases
– diseases of oesophagus,
– lung cancer,
– hemorrhage,
– the abscess.

If there are problems in these organs and systems pain may occur in the cervical, confusing both human and a doctor and leading to a prolonged diagnosis. In some cases, the loss of time can be critical, as, for example, in the case with malignant tumors. So when the first pain in the neck is not to knock them, using pain relievers, and consult a doctor.

Define the norm

To understand if everything was okay with the neck, you can use a simple test. To do this, slowly tilt your head forward, trying to touch the chin to chest, after you should tilt it back. But not dramatically, but gently and carefully.

After you should tilt your head left and right, trying to touch ear to shoulder. Next you need to turn your head 90 degrees in one or other way. And then, slowly turning his head to the side to the limit, we must try to look over my shoulder.

If all tasks completed successfully and does not appear any unpleasant symptoms, from the neck all right. But if there even a small and not disturbing crunch, you should immediately consult a specialist.

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