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Nastya Kamensky in shorts boasted a new figure


29-year-old singer Anastasia Kamenskih almost my entire adult life struggling with excess weight. The soloist of the duet “Potap and Nastya” tries to exercise regularly.

Nastya Kamensky

However, after a failed landing with a parachute Anastasia was forced to permanently abandon training. Fortunately nothing happened, and Kamensky recently resumed the trip to the gym and has managed to boast of the result.

Nastya Kamensky

The singer recently posted a photo where posing in short shorts. Fans immediately appreciated the trim figure of a star and did not skimp on the compliments.


“Thinner this, very beautiful! And always was)”, “This skinny girl was)”, “the Beauty) I wonder how much it weighs Nastya)”, “You beauty,” wrote the enthusiastic fans.

Настя Каменских похудела на три размера

Борьбу с лишними килограммами певица вела уже давно  Starface

Раньше фигура звезды была далека от идеала Starface

Сейчас подтянутому телу Насти можно только позавидовать

Каменских перестала худеть ради стройности и начала борьбу с лишним весом ради здоровья

Певица соблюдает строгий режим питания: звезда ест три раза в день – в 10, 14 и 19 часов

Потап и Настя Каменских

Певица тщательно выбирает полезные продукты и подсчитывает калории

Настя Каменских  https://instagram.com/kamenskux/

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